Gross Archive

Foods You Shouldn't Eat On An Empty Stomach

When we are hungry It can be so tempting to eat virtually anything we see that looks edible not minding if it was good for our guts or not. It goes without saying that not everything called food are actually good for our belly at some point. Although they may be nice and good as meals but the time in which we eat them can actually make those foods to be a malignant to our health.

According to experts, our first meal for the day is very important because the first thing we eat in the morning sets forth the course of the day. And will actually determine how our digestive system works for that day.

Below are foods that are not so advisable to be consumed on an empty stomach.

Spicy food

Spicy foods comes with lots of burns due to the capsaicin compound they contain -pepper in particular.  We should never eat spices and chillies on an empty stomach because it can cause irritation in the stomach lining, leading to acidic reactions and cramps.  

Sugary foods or drinks

Most people can't start their day without a glass of smoothie or fruit juice -that urge is quite irresistible. But having something sugary is not the best way to wake up your digestive system. According to experts, starting your day with a tall glass of fruit juice or anything sugary, may put an extra load on your pancreas and liver that are still trying to wake up for the day after long hours of rest.

Aerated drinks

Our stomach produces a very concentrated acids that help with digestion of food. When there are no food for the acid to react with, it starts reacting with the walls of our stomach. That's where gastric ulcer tend to set in. Aerated drinks on the other hand are drinks that contains their own carbonate acids as well. When consumed on an empty stomach, their acidic contents mix with the acids in the stomach, thereby elevating the acidic reaction already going on due to the absence of food. This may actually be the reason why some people complain of stomachache after consuming a bottle of Coca-cola in the morning without eating.

Cold beverages

When we woke up in the morning, our body temperature tend to be low. It is not very advisable to drink something cold at that point because it may further lower our temperature and may result in  complications later. Not limited to that, it may also damage the mucous membrane and reduce the rate of digestion for that day. Having something lukewarm is the best way to kick start your day because it helps wake up your metabolism. If you've ever heard one of the best way to start your day is with a glass of warm water and honey, this is the reason.

Raw vegetables

Raw veggies are good for the body but there are times you shouldn't consume them -that time is when you are totally empty in your stomach. They are best consumed during or after the main meal. Raw vegetables contain rough fibers that when consumed in an empty stomach, can cause several indigestion problems and abdominal pains.


Though tomatoes are enriched with Vitamin C and nutrients but should totally be avoided on an empty stomach. The tannic acid tomatoes contains can increase the acidity in the stomach and may lead to gastric mucosa problems.

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