The use of boring lessons, drills, and exercises you will be stuck backwards with very little improvements. There is no need to use any other guitar guide after you have used Jamorama.
There are two high quality books with the package. These books will take you to journey to reach the expert level of guitarists. There are ample videos for you to learn from. These 148 video lessons give you the step-by-step details of guitar playing. The videos are specially made with the help of the professionals. It was also recorded and edited by the professionals. These videos are made specially keeping in mind the fact that these have to be easy and simple and mostly effective. You have to see the movements of the hands. You can’t get an idea of a guitar stroke by reading a book. You need to see how the hand moves. You need to hear the sound of the guitar to know the actual sound. Which chords sound in what way, you can’t tell without hearing the sounds. These videos enable the features of seeing and listening. The Jamorama invites people to learn to play guitar flawlessly and smoothly in a very short time.
To make learning more effective, Jamorama has computer games to aid learning. It has a revolutionary game where you have to find out various guitar chords. It is a fun way to learn and recognize chords and their sounds. The game is named “GuitEarIt!” JaydeMusica,it is another fun game. It is designed as such to help you learn to read music. This is also included with the Jamorama.
There are 26 jam tracks to jam along. These tracks cover almost all the musical styles including rock, jazz, dance, country, hip-hop etc.
There are also lessons on ways to perform great guitar skills. The hard-won information from the creator is formatted into simple and easy structure. You can learn all of these whenever you want.
The guitar learning techniques are developed specially by psychologists from universities. This method helps you remember lessons and chords in one-third of time spent compared with other methods.
There are many more options and advantages of Jamorama. If you are trying to learn or interested in learning how to play guitar, the best option for you to choose Jamorama.