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Learning Survival French Before Traveling To France

Will you be traveling to France in the near future? Are you ready to meet the locals? If you think you are not yet equipped the best way you should be before going on a leisure or business trip to France, at least bring French survival phrases with you. It won't be much but it will help you get through to the calm but fun personalities of the local French.

You may not know it yet, but traveling to France requires you more than just what you need to say during your stay. Most French locals do know how to speak English but there is really no point in making them especially if you are the tourist. They may speak English but only during moments they feel comfortable. Arm yourself with anything that could possibly come up during your trip by learning few phrases that are used mostly by tourists who doesn't speak French very well.

Phrases like Excuse moi, parlez-vous anglais? (Excuse me, do your speak English?), Merci Beucoup (Thank you very much), Sil vous plait (Please) are few of the phrases that will allow you to reach out to French locals. Most of the local people knows how to speak English so asking nicely should be your primary approach.

As a tourist and knowing that you don't know anything about the streets and bars, look comfortable but also dress elegant enough because it is how you should appear in a city like Paris. Hang out on bars and enjoy the food as you eat. If a local French person comes up to you and engages you in a conversation, don't be nervous. As a matter of fact, the more you become friendly with them regardless your inability to speak French, you will still get a warm and friendly smile.

There are so many things that you need to learn and get to know first before traveling to France. It isn't very important to learn all of the French words as it will not be useful at all times. Pack your things and only with the important French words that you will be using during your trip. Also, research more about the locale's way of living to learn how you can react better to emergency circumstances.

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