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Ways To Make Yourself Feel Comfortable During A Long Distant Flight

Whether you are flying from Africa to the far East or from the UK to Australia, chances are, the flight is definitely going to be a tedious one because you are going to be spending several hours locked in the plane and glued to a seat. It is absolutely very necessary to be prepared and make the appropriate choices before embarking on a journey that would probably take more than 15 hours to complete. A long flight might feel like time spent in limbo but it doesn't have to equal suffering however, because there are several ways to make yourself feel comfortable during a long distance flight.

Here are few things you can do to make the best out of a long haul flight. With this, you can find the silver lining in being holed up in your seat for many hours. 

Wear comfortable clothes 
If you don't want your own dressing to be the number one cause of your tragedy, you would want to make sure that you get it just right. If you want to be able to sleep on the flight and feel comfortable, try to wear comfortable clothes that are as close to pajamas as possible. Loose-fitting shirts, comfortable jeans, flats or tennis shoes, and a hoodie would do just fine. They make sure you feel as comfortable as you can during a long haul flight.  

Keep the noises away 
Never forget to carry devices that keep the noises away. For a long flights, noise-canceling headphones are one of the best things to carry along. When the plane is set on the roll, switch on your headset and enjoy a ride without bothering about the disturbances of the plane engines and all other noise that comes with too many people in a confined area. Noise is probably the last thing you need when trying to feel cozy during a long journey. 

Keep the lights away 
If you want to catch a sleep as soon as possible, doing things that put you in the mood easily is of the essence. Simply putting on your headset and a sleeping mask can mentally prepare you to sleep during the flight. Don't joke with them. 

Keep yourself hydrated 
If you are use to doing the alcohol and the caffeine, then this time should probably be when you cut-back a little bit. Alcohol and caffeine impair your ability to sleep and can keep you feeling dehydrated. While keeping these two far away for the moment, try to keep an adequate amount of water close. A fair level of hydration renders you enough comfort you desire. 

A green juice can be very handy
Most airports these days are full of juice bars – so give yourself a treat by indulging in something delicious. Nothing does as many wonders to your energy levels as the punch-impact of a cup of fresh, green juice. The veggies are just too perfect by the side during an eternity flight. 

Use your time wisely
Plan out your time meticulously before you even board the plane. Prepare a list of all the things you are going to be doing in the course of the flight. If you plan to watch two to three movies and then fall asleep, that's fine -if you choose to read books in the duration of the flight, that's perfect either. Just make sure you have a list of activities well arranged before you embark on the journey. A time well planned, keeps the random problems away. 

Get a good seat
Get a seat that will suite your fancy before you embark on a long distance journey. That's why its necessary to book your flight on time so you can grab the best spot of your choice. Do you prefer a window seat so you can rest your head against the wall while sleeping, or an aisle seat so you can walk around as much as you like? getting the best seat that might offer you some coziness, is a step in the right direction if you want to have a bearable long haul flight. 

Make the best choice of meal 
Choosing your type of meal is as important as the journey itself. One wrong step in eating can make your entire journey miserable. You want to eat something that wouldn't often make you looking out for the loo. 

Have a good Mindset
Don't be obsessed about the time lost in travel, rather use it as an opportunity to enjoy the time you get to be with yourself. Instead of worry about the time that journey will take and how long and useless it might be, fill that time with lots of activities that you enjoy when you are alone. It could be reading a book, meditating, listening to music, or perhaps having some quite times with God and the Scriptures. Simply repositioning your mindset and reframing your thoughts can make you truly appreciate your personal time during the flight. 

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