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Facts That Shows That Grandmas Are The Best In The World

Have you ever taken out time to see the things that your grandmother does? these people are so lovely.
It goes without saying that the times shared with grandma are usually moments we find difficult to forget. That is why the first thing many of us remember when we think about our childhood is the time spent with our dear old grandmothers. Grandma is so lovely that whenever we see her, all we want to do is give her a warm hug and thank her for all the kindness and love she showed to us. 
Below are facts that shows that grandmothers are the best in the world. And after reading this post, i bet you that most of us would wish we still have them alive. 

Grandma's house is one of the coziest places in the world

The only place you will live and feel so extra comfortable is when you stay with your grandma. They just know how to make us feel warm and cozy. Grandmas wanna make sure you have everything you need. They even go as far as washing our clothes, neglecting the fact that they aren't suppose to do that. Grandmas are so wonderful. 

They are Always Happy to See us

If there is any single person on earth that feels the greatest joy with our presence would probably be our grandmother. Do you ever notice the joy in your grandma's face each time you pay her a visit? that happiness is irreplaceable. 

Grandma Loves us for Who we Are

Most people always say that children who grew up with their grandmothers often end up getting spoilt...however, this is not always the case though. The reason people often think that way is because grandmas are people who don't really care who we are or what we are. They just love us so much regardless of what we chose to be. If there is anyone that will be 100 percent in support of our dreams would probably be our grandmother. 

Even If She Criticizes you, She does it out of love

Grandmas are not overbearing, they usually give us the opportunity to express our behaviors and allow us do as we like. However, we sometimes get criticized by them, but I bet you that their criticism is usually out of pure love.

She Cheers you up even if you are in a bad Mood 

One of the most beautiful things in life when you've attained old age, is to see your children's children. You will do anything to make them happy. This is one of the reasons why your grandmother will always cheer you up when you are unhappy. 

She is Usually for You Even When Others are Against you

No one supports your dreams better than your grandparents. They believe that everyone has the right to be happy. However, this is actually something most of us will not realize until we've attained old. Ageing in a kind of way gives you another definition of life and make you realize how important it is to do the things that makes you happy. That is why your grandparent will often not judge you regardless of what your dreams are because they believe that you have the right to your own happiness.  

Grandma is Always Honest and Sincere in her Promises

You can get lots of disappointments from your dad and mom but not from your grandma. They just know how to fulfill their promises that they have made to us. When your grandma promise you a thing, just wait as she fulfills that promise because they are often very sincere with wishes. 

No one prays for us better than they do

Grandparents don't have any other dreams in life than to see their children succeed. If you've ever noticed all the prayers of your grandmother, you will realize that its all about her children and children's children. 

She rejoices at your Success

No matter your performance, your grandmother will always rejoice with you. 
Oh grandma, I only came third in my grade...
Oh my child I'm so proud of you.....she says.

Grandma will never offend you

She won't do anything that may get you upset. While your mother would complain that you are still in bed instead of being awake already, your grandmother would see that the reason why you're still sleeping is because you are so tired. 

It goes without saying that grandmothers are so lovely. They should have been the ones that are best celebrated on Mother's Day. Don't you think so? 

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