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Make This A Habit If You Want To Live Long

Death at times can be very predictable. Although it is true that no one knows exactly when it will be time to say goodbye until it finally arrives but factually speaking whether we will live long or die early mostly depend on us and the way we live our life. In today’s world everyone is trying to lead healthier lifestyles and live longer, but many people aren’t really sure where to start. With that in mind here are easy ways to get you started.

Rest Adequately but don't oversleep

This may seem confusing or rather weird. But according to scientist in a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, people who sleep for more that 8 hours a night have a significantly lower life expectancy than the rest of the population in the world. However, this doesn't mean one should be sleep deprived because that is even the worst of it all. But having adequate sleep daily seem very vital. The optimal amount of sleep required for a normal and healthy adult is between 7- 10 hours daily, and if this can be done consistently it may actually increase your life expectancy.

Enjoy a Healthy Diet

You should realize that food is where life really is, it is always the determining factor of our health. Consume foods that are low in fat and sugars and eat lots of proteins, veggies and fruits. Low-fat and low-calorie foods can make a big difference when it comes to your health.

Monitor Your Cholesterol and blood pressure

High levels of cholesterol in the blood is usually the leading cause of several cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressures. There are two types of cholesterol, "Low Density Lipo-protein" LDL which is known as the bad cholesterol and the "High Density Lipo-protein" HDL which is the good cholesterol. High levels of LDL can bring about circulatory diseases and other complications while high levels of HDL improves circulation and benefits your body in general. If you want to live long then try and prevent heart diseases and the best way to do that is to put your cholesterol levels on check and make diet adjustments where necessary.

Have Sex, and if you’re already doing it, have more.

So many people see sex as a means of procreation and activity to derive pleasure alone but only few actually understands the dozen benefits attached to it. There are tons of benefits one can derive from having adequate sex. Sex keeps you refreshed mentally, physically and emotionally, It keeps your circulatory system at it optimum and keep heart disease and stroke at it minimum. No matter how much negative energies your body have built, a round of sex is enough to oust them all and keep you straight. Having sex is the best medicine for stress and we all know how stress can take a big toll on us. In men it has been shown that frequent ejaculation reduces the rate risk of prostate cancer by a great percent.

Chill Out always and have fun

People who are not big on having fun actually have shorter live span that those who have fun often. If you want to live long, first and foremost beat stress from your life. How long you will live can actually be determined by how often you are stressed and how good you can manage it. Stress can take a big toll on our body, it can suppress our immune system and and make us vulnerable to several attacks. According to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University, they found that individuals with high stress levels where 6 times more likely to have a heart attack and stroke before they were 55. Chilling out, hanging out with friends and families and having fun are a good ways to cope with stress. Chilling out and having fun every once in a while is always the right step in the right direction if you want to curb stress. And don't forget to have sex its very important!

Don’t Smoke

"Smokers are liable to die young". Does this statement sounds familiar or it sounds like a joke? Most smokers always make ridicule of such statements whenever they hear it. But whether they believe it or not doesn't really matter what actually matters is that a smoker will not live long and that is some real facts. 

Researches have shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. On average, each cigarette shortens your life anywhere from seven to eleven minutes. It actually means that the time it takes one to smoke a cigarette equals the time that cigarette takes off of his life. Several studies have shown smokers to have a low life expectancy than non smokers and majority of those who have died in the past ten years are smokers.


I know most people are actually tired of hearing that exercise is good for their health. But whether they believe it or not does not really matter too because no one can never fulfill his dreams of living long if he don't exercise adequately. There are lot to gain when you exercise. When you exercise, your brain releases lots of neurotransmitters that improves your immune system and keep you healthy. If you are eating well and exercising well, just forget it, nothing can kill you faster.

Make some money

I didn't want to bring out this point because i felt it may raise come controversies but i think its necessary to highlight it since it has a lot to play in one's journey of long life. We all know that its not easy to make money but the truth is that when you are financially efficient, most of your problems in life are half solved.

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