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Rape Cases Of Dolphins. -- Dolphins Sexually Assaulting Humans

After Being Sexually Assaulted By A Dolphin, Author Malcolm Brenner Had A "Love Affair" With it.

Brenner wrote Wet Goddess, a novel about a love affair with a dolphin. The novel is strikingly similar to an experience Brenner claims he had in his own life.

In the 1970s, while a college student in Florida, Brenner supposedly carried out a prolonged love affair with a dolphin he called "Dolly." He claims their relationship began when he was hired by a children's book writer to take photographs of dolphins at a local amusement park. Dolly was, according to Brenner, very aggressive at first, thrusting her body against his, but became more gentle overtime. The two purportedly continued human-on-porpoise coitus for nine months.

If Brenner is to be believed, it's difficult to imagine an interspecies consensual sexual relationship could actually occur. Therefore, it seems most likely that this was either a case of a human raping a dolphin or a dolphin raping a human. That is, if it ever even happened.

Actor Demi Moore Was Once Allegedly The Target Of A Sexually Aggressive Dolphin

In July 2003, the San Francisco Gate reported Demi Moore was the target of a sexually aggressive dolphin while visiting a Las Vegas water park and dolphin habitat with her family. She reportedly had to get out of the water quickly, and a spectator was recorded saying, "Dolphins are very sexually aggressive, and one went after Demi in a big way."

Several tabloid-style newspapers carried the story in the days following the alleged close encounter, but neither Moore nor any of her family has ever commented publicly on the matter, so it's difficult to determine the veracity of the story. Regardless, this is probably the highest level of celebrity an alleged dolphin sexual assault has ever attained, so take that as you will.

Male Dolphins Aggressively Mount Other Males To Assert Dominance

According to researchers, dolphins live in an "open society," meaning they regularly engage in homosexual and bisexual relationships with each other, serving various functions from sexual pleasure to the formations of alliances and social hierarchies.

Like the male-on-female sexual relationships, the male-on-male relationships can get extremely violent, and do seem to reflect some level of sexual assault. Occasionally, males will mount other males "as a short-term show of strength in order to dominate males from other groups." In these cases, the sexual engagement couldn't be seen, by human standards, as a consensual homosexual relationship - but again, this is seeing dolphin sex in terms of the human understanding of sex.

Groups Of Male Dolphins "Aggressively Herd" Individual Females

"Aggressive herding" is a scientific name for what essentially appears to the unscientific eye to be dolphin gang rape. When mating with females, male dolphins form alliances of two or three. They then choose a female and relentlessly mate with her for up to weeks at a time. If she tries to escape, she is chased. The males will frequently beat her with their flippers to maintain dominance.

While this seems to us like dolphin-on-dolphin rape, it is often spoken of in scientific literature as a normal mating ritual. It is, however, an unquestionably violent mating habit.

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