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How To Manifest A ‘magic Money’ Mindset

1.Forget everything you think you know about reality and how it works. As it is there are many spiritual laws to manifesting that works synergistically with each other. You can manifest money more quickly when you learn the recipe. It’s like baking a cake you won’t make the cake with only one ingredient would you? As you understand the nature of reality and money you can master the flow that comes to you with very little effort. Open your mind to the greater possibilities of reality
2. Stop making money your God or slave driver. Most people feel terrified of money. Although they want it they place themselves beneath money and allow money to rule their mental and emotional state. Anything which you place above you controls your existence. The moment you cease to make a thing important it looses its power over you. Then your ability to manifest more money will increase by leaps and bounds. Key is like the boogie man. Its like the Universe as placed a test for you to see if you will discover that money is not needed to have what you want. The moment you discover this secret insight, your ability to manifest money increases by leaps and bounds. Whenever you let go of your fear for a thing suddenly it becomes your friend and allies.
3. You are the first source of money. No matter what anyone tell you, money does not come from others. Money first comes though you at a subatomic level, then flows thought others and back to you. There is a cycle in creating money but know that that cycle stats with you and only you. If your desire is to get a raise or increase your sales you cannot rely on your boss or anyone to give it to you. You must first create that money at a deeper level before it can surface. And, you must give of that money in the form or symbols of a thing or service in order for it to come back to you as either money or the things you want.
Can you allow yourself to contemplate these three points? If you diver deeper into each with an earnest desire to understand each point you will immediately unplug more limiting believes about money. Manifesting money is certainly quite easy if you allow yourself to examine your present outlook.

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