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Blogging For Money

To make money online you need a strategy. Which all sounds quite simple, decide what strategy you are going to use and then get to work on it. It is finding the right strategy that is the difficult part.

There is so much information available about working online and so many people selling their information and all of them saying their’s is the best way to earn an income online.
So how do you really know which way is the best way. Which strategy will be one that you will be able to do?

A good way to choose your strategy is to find one that has and is still working for hundreds of people. One that is relatively simple to do and can get you started with your online career with minimal start up costs.

One of the easiest and very effective ways to make money online is by having a blog. You can make a lot of money just by setting up your own blog. Make posts to your blog on a regular basis, ping your blog and sprinkle affiliate links throughout your blog.

The first thing you need to do is to choose a topic that you are going to promote. Then search for some affiliate products in relation to that topic. Clickbank is a great place to find products to promote. For example, you may want to set up a blog for ‘self improvement’. Search the relevant clickbank category for all self improvement products and find your affiliate links for them.

Start your blog and try to post to your blog daily. You can post a few paragraphs relating to self improvement and in particular to the product you are promoting and at the end have a link to the affiliate product.

You don’t necessarily have to put affiliate links in every day, but if you can post new content every day will help your blog to get a good ranking and good traffic.

You can also use banners and links to affiliate products in the sidebar of your blog.

Then each time someone purchases a product through the link on your blog you will make money. You can also place Google Adsense ads throughout your blog and earn some extra money through Adsense too.

Try to use good keywords relating to your topic to draw high traffic to your blog and you can also use other techniques to generate traffic.

You can set up a blog for free so this is one of the most affordable ways to start off your online career and if you stick with it and post to your blog regularly you can make a nice little income with your blog.

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