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Why The Secret Has Not Worked And Why It May Never Work For You

When the secret came out it created a wave of enthusiasm. The excitement and buzz was exactly what the producers of the move wanted you to feel. The secret was not a secret for many people who were already practicing the techniques for years but even they could not help but be entranced by the wave of excitement.
In the movie there was much emphasis on the law of attraction providing absolutely anything that you desired just by asking and visualizing. The stark reality for many people is that few people know how to truly visualize and worst few people even understand the deeper nature of what visualization truly is. There are absolute techniques to visualization that only a few people understand and even if you were taught the most powerful way to do so, it requires that you actually practice it in order to be successful.
The secret also emphasized the getting of things. So very much emphasis was placed on material things such as the car or the house, all of which is completely outside of yourself. All this desire for what is out there leads to feelings of not having. The more you want the more you remain wanting. The law of attraction is quite sensitive to the nature of your own internal sound system. The true secret in applying the law of attraction is to focus on your own being your own nature of already having, already feeling abundant. Feeling rich just where you are while learning the spiritual sciences that allow you to have much more.
Those people who are successful in manifesting do certain things in a certain way. Some may do it consciously and others were naturally gifted the ability to do it. The greatest secret is to fist seek and familiarize yourself with your own inner world before you can manifest success using the law of attraction as your aid. “see ye first the kingdom of God and all things will be granted unto you.”

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