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Blogs Are Your Internet Marketing Secret Weapon

Copyright 2006 Mark Nenadic
These days, blogs are among the most important secret weapons that internet marketers can employ. They are a terrific way to have opinions stated in an un-moderated and public place, where ideas and insights can be shared among everyone who wishes to read them.
For internet marketing, blogging builds credibility for the website through the many opinions and ideas that are shared there. The company, and its bloggers, become recognized by their readers as a resource for useful information. Therefore, people will not only visit once, but will return again and again to find out what else is new.
Blogging itself is an extremely inexpensive, quick, and simple way to reach out to thousands of website visitors. It draws people who are in your direct target market, making relationship building a much more natural process once that visitor takes their use of your website one step further and makes a purchase of whatever product or service you are selling – and have been covering in your blog.
Blogs make you an expert in your field. That’s right, with the right researching and writing skills (or with a skilled writer and researcher in your employ) then you can become an expert in your field as far as your website blog is concerned. To be an expert, all you need to do is keep up with the latest in your industry within your blog posts, and maintain it regularly.
To make sure that you’re headed in the right direction with your blog, check up on other website blogs in your industry to see what they have posted. Naturally, this doesn’t mean that you should be posting the same things as your competition. In fact, that is among the worst things that you can do. Certainly, you’re allowed to share an opinion now and then, but your blog will need to stand out if it is to be taken seriously. If you are simply reiterating what others are already saying, then you will be seen as old news, and will be overlooked in favor of the original thinkers.
To start your own blog on your website, you need to have the right tools in place. Blogger and Blogware are only examples of the many different options that are available to you.
When you post on your blog, make sure that you’re doing it because you have something to say, and not because it’s time to post. Your blog posts need to be interesting if you are to keep a steady readership. If you’re not interested in what you’re writing then the odds are that your visitors won’t be interested in what they’re reading.
To keep up the interest, don’t take yourself too seriously. Of course you are allowed to write about serious and important topics in your industry and about your products, but you can also include some trivia and humorous commentaries that directly or indirectly relate to your blog topic and will amuse your readers. This is perfectly acceptable in blog posting and is, in fact, encouraged. It allows the readers to feel that they have made a real “contact” with you, and that you take a real joy in what you do.
Blogs aren’t just good for creating regular visitors to your website, but they are also quite beneficial for bringing in new visitors as well. You’ll find that when you are writing about any given topic in your industry, you are using the words and terms that apply to your topic. As these words become more frequently used throughout your website, for example, within your recent and archived blog posts, search engine spiders will pick up on their use and may increase your ranking for those keywords.
To sum up, here is what you need to benefit from your blog:
• The right blogging tools
• The motivation and commitment to contribute regularly
• Something relevant to say!
• Some skill in writing – if you don’t, hire someone who does
• Some knowledge in your industry – if you don’t, hire someone who can research this information
• Some perspective, not just vague ramblings
If you have these, you’re all set to start taking advantage of what blogging can contribute to your internet marketing strategy.

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