Whether your pursue your degree in a local community college, University or through online education there are certain criteria you are undoubtedly looking for to make sure the school you choose is the best for your field. Some of the things that you should look for when making a decision include: What type of programs do they offer in the social sciences? Are they recognized by any national or world-wide institutes or organizations that deal with public service? How have they earned accreditation in this field? No doubt as you begin your search these questions and many others are going to be part of a comprehensive list you develop to help you in choosing the appropriate educational institution.
As you explore your options don't forget to also check with local and state agencies that provide services to the public in your field to ask them if they can recommend higher education choices. Many times these organizations are thrilled to help someone who wants to pursue this type of work and can not only recommend schools but also help mentor you as you pursue your degree. Often these types of mentoring relationships can lead to full-time employment after graduation.