The problems that can occur when you are on a fad diet can range from mild to severe. Mild symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, and headaches. Severe symptoms that you may develop from a fad diet include heart disease, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides. What further complicates the issue is that most people will not know they have a problem until the condition progresses to a dangerous level. This is one of the reasons any diet modifications should first be discussed with a medical doctor.
Of course, the best method for weight loss is to lessen the number of calories consumed and increase the number of calories burned so that no more than two pounds per week are lost. This method takes time and people who want to lose a significant amount of weight may become impatient. There may be the possibility that your weight gain is associated with some health condition. There is good news for people in this situation.
The reason many people aren't successful on fad diets is because the diets are typically not good sources of long-term nutrition. Your body will crave the nutrients that it is missing. Unless you are on a restrictive diet advised by your doctor, it is best to avoid diets that limit a particular food group. A diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grain, as well as fats is the best way to lose weight. These foods are low in calories and are also beneficial in keeping your body healthy. A multivitamin that contains high amounts of chromium and calcium may assist you with losing weight. These two elements help your body metabolize fat, which is necessary for weight loss. As with fad diets, you should consult with your doctor before taking a multivitamin with high doses of these elements.
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