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How A Custom Photo Calendar Can Help You Achieve Your Deepest Desires

How on earth could a custom photo calendar help you achieve your dreams? After all, it's only a calendar, right? Well, actually... there's more to it than meets the eye...
And so, now that you know, are you ready?
You see, it's very likely that you have your own, personal, intensely desired goals, as we all do. We all have our own 'pictures of the life we want to achieve' somewhere deep within our thoughts. Everyday we wake up and although we may go about 'normal' life, the magnificent thing is that we are free to reflect on, and ponder, the dreams we really want to achieve.
And sometimes, we get to enjoy visual reminders of the things we might really want. These little 'flashes of inspiration' might come from seeing a beautiful car you always wanted, a lavish, rambling home deep in the country, or just pictures from a relaxed, healthy resort you've always wanted to spend more time at, or even an exotic overseas adventure.
What we also know is this. The clearer we are about our intensely desired goals, the more likely we are to move towards them. It makes a lot of sense. Just think about it... people surround themselves with pictures of things they want (or love). We may not be always consciously aware that this is what we're doing, but we still do it. It feels natural, and right.
Now consider a simple picture calendar. How many times a day do we at least 'check in' with a calendar? A calendar is almost an essential desktop tool, and is part of every home and office. Not only do we plan a lifestyle with a calendar, but we live our whole life by calendar dates and times. Every one of us is touched and influenced by the cycles of time.
So, knowing how influential a calendar is on our busy lifestyle, wouldn't it make sense to incorporate pictures of our desires and dreams into, say, a custom photo calendar? Just imagine if every time you had a quick look for a date or an appointment, you saw a picture of the thing that you just absolutely love and secretly strive towards...
What's going to happen is that you will be triggering inner thoughts and the good feelings that you have for that desire. Maybe you'll just briefly glance at the calendar. Whatever the case, it's going to act as a reminder for the good things you want. And the more pleasant reminders you have each day, the more likely it would seem that the things you want will materialize in your life.
This may feel somewhat difficult to fathom. But, why not try it out? Everyone knows that topical, theme type calendars are big sellers. We buy moon calendars to keep ourselves in tune (and humbled) with nature, and we buy animal calendars because of our fascination and love for pets and animals. Why not create a custom photo calendar with a theme of your own choosing?
It's really a perfect opportunity to surround yourself with your unique vision of personal success. That calendar picture may very well be the symbol that means success to you. Seeing it everyday will keep you grounded, motivated and sure that the thing you're doing right now will lead you towards that vision of success.
So, if you want your deepest desires to come to fruition, embrace them fully and surround yourself with pictures of your dreams. Constantly keep reminding yourself about that special thing that you want to achieve. And put a picture of your most desired goal into a custom photo calendar and look at it everyday. You'll be amazed at what will happen.
© Copyright Martin Hurley 2007

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