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Why Are So Many Students Unsatisfied With The Quality Of Essays Written By Custom Research Companies?

Custom research has become big business. In the last 4 to 5 years, a number of large operators within the UK market have developed a strong reputation for excellent quality and customer service. However, the industry’s reputation is under threat. Attracted to the large sums of short-term profit, the number of foreign and UK-based custom research companies has proliferated in the last 2-year. With this, a concerning trend is emerging, leaving many students unsatisfied with the quality of work they have purchased.
The market leading custom research companies aim to establish close working relationships with their customers. This is the nature of custom research. Work must closely meet customer requirements, underscored by originality (no plagiarism), informed research and a high quality output, delivered on time. To achieve this, the leading companies take care to employ individuals with strong academic backgrounds and only take on work when they have the relevant expertise. Unfortunately, an increasing number of foreign and UK-based operators are bucking this trend. Weak recruitment policies, competition over pricing and a short-term attitude lies at the heart of the problem.
Many foreign and UK-based operators fail to perform relevant background checks, recruiting writers without a strong academic record. Some 80 percent of these source their writers from countries like India, the Ukraine, Romania and Pakistan, where English is typically not their first language and they have little or no experience of the UK University system and the educational standards expected. In some cases, the client might even be more qualified than the writer! Pricing is another issue. With so many competing companies, many of the less established operators try to attract custom by offering extremely low prices. For example, where companies charge just £10 per page the writer will usually receive around £3-5. However, British writers who produce 2:1 of 1st standard work require between £10-20 per hour. Amongst less established operators, this inevitable leads to plagiarism and a failure to invest in essential, albeit expensive plagiarism-checking software. For the student, this typically culminates in plagiarised, low quality work that fails to meet their requirements.
Of the few leading custom research companies serving the UK market, have satisfied more than 40,000 customers over a period of almost 5-years. In the box below, the company tells us why it is different.
Leading Custom Research for Students:
At Papers4You, our research is truly ‘custom’ and we work flexibly to meet customers’ requirements. Work can include standard written reports, case studies (including fictitious scenarios), PowerPoint presentations, complex statistical analysis, even primary data collection. Assignment information can even be provided in different languages. Whatever clients’ needs are, we do our best to meet them.
Paper4You Writers:
All writers that work for Papers4You are either top graduates or postgraduates from leading UK Universities. As well as checking their academic credentials, the Quality Control Department within Papers4You ensures that all writers perform a trial piece of custom research. This is assessed internally and new writers are only given client work when Papers4You verifies its quality. Writer profiles and example pieces of work are available online allowing clients to check standards and select particular writers to perform research on their behalf.
Plagiarism Policy
Before any custom research is released to clients, it is checked for plagiarism using the well-respected anti-plagiarism system, known as ‘MyDropBox.’ We take plagiarism very seriously. As such, Papers4You writers face dismissal if they do not adhere to these standards.
Customer Service
Papers4You takes its clients’ confidentiality very seriously. At the same time, every client is treated individually. Our operators will know clients by name and work with them to understand their requirements and ensure they are met. We understand the time pressure clients are sometime under and will try and accommodate all eventualities.
Excellent custom research comes at a price. Papers4You pays writers a minimum of £50 per 1000 words, which is more than any other company in the industry. You get what you pay for in this business and we stand by our high standards. We also reward loyalty, offering a wide variety of discounts to repeat customers. Alternately, if custom research is simply too expensive, we offer a wide range of recent, high quality pre-written papers, company analyses and dissertations from as little as £9.99 on our website:
The custom research industry has received some negative press in recent years. Much of this is fair criticism. Students have experienced poor service from a number of operators. However, it would be unfair to tarnish the more established companies with the same brush. After all, a number of these operators provide excellent quality services. When looking to order from these companies, buyers should ask a number of questions: How long has the company been in business? What anti-plagiarism software do you use? How much are your services? If the company has not been in business for long, cannot tell you the name of the software they use, or the quoted price seems too good to be true, beware…

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