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Skin - Excess Sweating Treatments With Antiperspirants

If you sweat excessively, you have got many treatment options. They include use of antiperspirants, Iontophoresis, Botox injections, surgery and other medications. Out of these antiperspirants are the first lines of treatment because they are noninvasive. Let us learn more about how to use antiperspirants to get good results.
Antiperspirants being applied on the surface of the skin block the sweat glands and do not allow sweat to come on the surface of the skin. Aluminum salts are the most common ingredients of antiperspirants. For different locations, your doctor may recommend different concentrations of antiperspirants. For example for hands or for feet, you may be advised to use an antiperspirant of 30% concentration of Aluminum chloride hexadhydrate while for your underarms, the strength recommended may be half of that. If you have sensitive skin, you should talk to your doctor about the choice of antiperspirants. Currently Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Glycine is the ingredient that is most commonly used, as it is less irritating to the skin.
Time of application of antiperspirants is important to get the best results. it is said that if you apply antiperspirants, it is better to use them at night rather than in the morning. If you apply them at both the times, that is better. But out of morning and evening, you should choose evening.
Ideally the antiperspirant should remain on the surface of the skin for up to eight hours. The skin should be dry before you apply. For those of you who use some method to remove underarm hair such as shaving, depilatory creams, etc. you should talk to your doctor about how much time interval is ideal before antiperspirant is applied after hair removal.
Antiperspirants may have to be used everyday for sometime. Once you find that perspiration is reduced, you can consult your doctor and increase the time interval between each application. If you get irritation with your antiperspirant, please consult your doctor.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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