Gross Archive

The Ins And Outs Of Brad Pitt's Relationships

No matter how he appears on the surface, Brad Pitt has a very soft heart and others can always appeal to Brad's sympathetic, affectionate side. He especially cares about the needs of children, mothers, and families, and he wants a love partner who values marriage, home, and family as much as he does. Unkindness or harshness offends Pitt very much. However, he is definitely not one to wear his heart on his sleeve. Brad Pitt cares very much about others' opinions and craves love and appreciation as much as anyone, but one would never know it from Pitt's reserved and seemingly detached appearance. Casual, superficial relationships do not interest Brad at all. He is cautious and serious about love and really desires deep, genuine, lasting relationships. Brad Pitt is old-fashioned about courtship and love relationships, and will remain faithful to his loved one in good times and in bad.
Brad Pitt has a strong sense of duty, is serious and tends to see everything on the dark side. Brad should guard against emotional inhibition and depression. He prefers to lead a secluded, modest and simple life. He tends to suppress his feelings and he approaches other people with great reserve. He may feel lonesome, but unable to bridge the gap between him and others. But once Brad Pitt enters a relationship, he will be faithful and steady in his feelings for his partner.
For Brad Pitt, caring and affection must be expressed tangibly, and he loves giving and receiving gifts. Brad values luxury, comfort, and elegance very highly and appreciates beautiful things. He can be self-indulgent and extravagant. Being overly possessive of people he loves and of his belongings is something Brad Pitt needs to beware of.
He is likely to be a great collector of things for his belongings give Brad Pitt a sense of security and continuity with the past, which is important to him. Antiques or things with sentimental value from Brad's past are especially dear to him. Along the same lines, Brad may cling rather tightly to money and possessions, keeping them "in the family" rather than sharing freely with those outside of his immediate circle.
Brad Pitt may be attracted to persons older than him, someone who is emotionally mature and reliable and who can provide the security Brad desires.

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