Gross Archive

Avoid These Habits If You Want To Brighten Your Pearls

Those that smile a lot probably have one thing in common, they are very confident putting on that smile all the time because they know they've got it all covered. Confident is perhaps one of the things you get from a good oral hygiene. Besides drinking coffee and dark juices, or perhaps smoking, there are more unexpected ways you might be staining your teeth without realizing it. 

Here are ways you might be preventing your enamels from looking their best.

You bake with berries 

Berries are probably good for your oral health, their teeth-whitening effects are somewhat very impressive. However, they can make you teeth a little dingy when they are mixed with other foods. When you eat berries with cakes, jams, and perhaps jellies, it makes your pearl loose their glow. 

You don’t drink iced tea.

Iced tea are packed with lots of antioxidants and organic compounds that serve as food for your dentition. The bleaching properties of the substances found in iced tea, help purify your enamel. They also increase production and the free flow of saliva, which, in turn, helps fight tooth decay and prevent teeth discoloration.

Your are using a very hard toothbrush. 

Some soft or extra gentle toothbrush is actually the best for your teeth. Strong brushes wont get your teeth any brighter, instead, they even wear away your enamel, making your teeth vulnerable to decay and discoloration. No wonder soft brushes are usually recommended by dentists. 

You swim too often

You frequently engage yourself in oral hygiene routines to the best of your knowledge, yet it seem like your teeth is not appreciating you enough. Before you get a little discouraged, have you considered your swimming habits? If you’re a dedicated swimmer who spend over 6 hours a week in the pool, chances are, your teeth would probably discolor. You cannot totally avoid water getting into your mouth when swimming, and all the chemicals the pool contains are bad for your teeth. Chlorine for example helps eliminate bacteria in the water, but it can also build tar-tars around your teeth, making it turn yellow or brown. 

You don't consider your type of mouthwash

Ok, here is the thing...Everyone thinks that mouthwash is all inclusive, but mouthwash can bring lots of mishaps, too, if you don't get the product right. Some ingredients in mouthwash can react with staining compounds in foods, and instead of brightening your teeth, it dull their pearly-white shades. Some mouthwash comes with substance that react negatively with your teeth. So, if you want to get any of this product, opt for the ones that do not contain "chlorhexidine or eucalyptol" ingredients...these are the bad guys. 

You don't consider your choice of spices.

Spices and seasonings are dope for preparing spectacular dishes, but some are usually the culprits for dull looking teeth. Curry for example, is a type of spice that discolors the teeth. However, others such as thyme, cinnamon, and turmeric, can benefit your oral health in a whole lot of ways. Stick to them.   

You’re easily stressed out

There are many ways that stress can manifest itself in our body. It can either be from your face full of acnes or from your teeth full of tar-tars. Whenever your teeth start to discolor for no obvious reasons, then it's time to consider your stress levels

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