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Top Images Of The World’s Most Weirdest Places

We are living in a world where the existences of things are almost infinite. There are so many things to do, so many things to explore, and so many places to visit. From the most fun and scintillating down to the most weird and creepy, there are tons of mysterious places that actually exist in our world whose atmosphere and the reports about them often lead to tales of terror. This list contains images of just a few of the creepiest places around the world and the uncanny stories that surround them. 

Sculpture Garden

Sculpture garden is a place rich with artifacts that will make anyone’s jaw to drop. Because of the amazing artworks found in this place, a lot of people have questioned the reason behind it existence, with many saying that it’s a home of deities. But whether there is anything uncanny about this place, the fact remains that the creator of these amazing artifacts does deserves some accolades.     
Veijo Rönkkönen was a loyal employee who went to work every day at a finish paper mill factory. According to research, he worked with this factory for 41 years and was known as a recluse person.  He lived in a secluded home surrounded by forest and as such, much was not actually known about his personal life. No one knew that this Finnish factory worker was a skilled artist until the day he died in 2010 and hundreds of sculptures were found in the woods behind his house. Because of the amazing creations, the site became a tourist attraction with at least 25,000 people visiting the Veijo Rönkkönen Sculpture Garden each year. The most fascinating things about these artworks is that some of them carry real human teeth while some have speakers planted inside them causing them to make warble noises.  

The ruins of Belchite

One of the most dreaded places in the whole of Spain is the abandoned village of Belchite. This village was left to ruin in 1937 during the Spanish civil war when thousand of Belchite villagers were killed within two weeks. With no space for graves, their bodies were piled up and burnt. Ever since this tragic occurrence, many believed that the innocent souls that were murdered during the war have found no rest. It is said that if you stand in the streets of the abandoned village of Belchite at dusk, you will hear mysterious cry of human beings who many believed were the restless souls of the war victims. 

Village of the dolls

One of the creepiest places in the world is the Nagoro village of Japan. The village has been named “the village of dolls” because it seems that dolls outnumbered human population by 10 to 1. But what actually brought about this?
Nagoro was a small village with little population yet the population kept declining rapidly to the hands of death. Because one of the villagers got tired of watching people die and watch the population decline, the local resident Tsukimi Ayano, decided to embark on a project that would amazed the whole world. She sews dolls for any deceases villager with the intention of filling the gap and the emptiness left by the dead. The dolls, resembling scarecrows, can be found in just about anywhere in Nagoro, from classroom to town centre, from creeks to town halls. However, many have refused going to the village, calling it ‘the creepiest place on earth’ but others see the place as a site of attractions because of it scary but fascinating graphics.  

The Lost City of Atlantis

The city of Atlantis is one of the most mysterious places on earth that have made many people to wonder if it even existed.  According to legends, it used to be a very powerful and politically civilized city, but now lost under the Atlantic Ocean. However, many believed that the city never existed but just an imagination.  

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