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Smart Ways To Hack Your Body

The brain is the most complex part of our human body, It main duty is to monitor and coordinate the functions of all the organs in our system. There is absolutely no activity either voluntary or involuntary your body can carry out without the brain being one of the organs giving such command. It is actually the sit and the center of everything, the database of our entire body that if in anyway can be hacked into or manipulated, we become totally or partially in control of our body. 

Below are ways you can hack your brain and control your body

Eliminate stress and anxiety through laughter

Whenever we are stressed, our body undergo several chemical reaction. This infamous reaction often lead to the production of chemicals that brings lot of negative energies to our body. It has been shown that laughing during the time of stress and anxiety can actually deceive your brain in a kind of way and make you to become more relaxed. It does this by hacking the brain in order for it to release some feel good chemicals called endorphins. In addition to that our blood pressure drops and oxygenated blood flows effectively round our body. All of which are necessary to eliminate stress and anxiety.

Using the opposite hand help reduce anger

People who have anger issues are often people who lack patience and perseverance in their emotions. In order to cope with such a problem, psychologist have found a new way through which those with anger issues can hack their brain and gain control over it.

Researchers at the University of New South Wales in the U.K. instructed people with anger management issues to perform basic tasks with their non-dominant hand for two weeks. The logic behind this is very simple; in order to write with their non-dominant hand, they would have to exercise patience, perseverance and self-control. It was found that after the period of two weeks, the group had better control over their angry emotions.

Reduce Pain During Surgery By Listening To Music

This will not come as a surprise because we all know how relieving and self soothing music can be. One good thing about music is that -it is hard, but when it hits you, you feel no pain.

Study have found that listening to your favorite music while undergoing surgery can help alleviate pain. According to the study, it makes the brain release chemicals and hormones that will help you out through the process and you may even require less pain killers than usual.

Cough During Injections To Reduce Pain

Receiving injection is something terrifying to anyone under any circumstances, although most adults may not accept this fact. Most of us are usually scared of that quick and sharp pain that often comes with receiving injection. However, there is a good news. The next time you are under the action of needle, just cough in the process to reduce the pain.

Raise Your Eyebrows To Increase Creativity

Eyebrow is something we often don't see it function except being a thing of a cosmetic value that gives us a little touch of beauty. We also know that it comes in quite handy in social situations as a means of expressing and conveying emotions. Although this is quite OK of a function. But there is actually one particular thing our eyebrow can do that we seem not to notice.

In a study conducted at the University of Maryland, researchers found that if you want to be creative in your thinking, try raising your eyebrows. Those who raise their eyebrows when trying to seek for solution to a problem, are more likely to device creative means through which the solution can be achieved.

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