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How To Migrate Easily To Australia

Australia is a nice country to be. It is a place where all your dreams are half solved if you were successful in settling in it. The country boast of a robust economy, good health care, good education, social securities, human rights security and civic freedoms. It is one of the best nations in the world to consider when trying to relocate to another nation as an immigrant. It is one of the few countries in the world that has never experienced recession for the past 26 years.

Just like Canada, Australia has several and flexible immigration policies for skilled workers who wished to settle. However, if you must be considered as a migrant who wished to be called an Aussies, you must have something to offer. There are several Skilled Migrant Visa the nation offer to those who choose to come the nation to help boost the economy.  

Before you can apply for Australia Skilled Migrant Visa, you must first and foremost apply for an Expression Of Interest EOI. This is an application that asses your eligibility to know if you are fit for applying for any of their Skilled Migrant Visa. It is usually an online application form that needs to be filled by applicant using an Australian government website commonly called SkillSelect .

Below are the requirements that are taken into consideration when filling this form. Note that you will be scored for each assessment. 

Age - you must be under 45 when you apply;

English language - you should have sufficient ability in the English language to work in Australia (at least at a competent level); this means you must take an English language test. Either International English Language Testing System IELTS or Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL. Don't let this freak you out alright, you can always read and pass the exam.  

Nominated occupation - before you apply you must have nominated a skilled occupation, which fits your skills and qualifications. This occupation must be found on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List;

Skills assessment - before you apply, you must have your skills assessed by the Australian assessing authority designated to assess your nominated occupation (which will usually have specific qualifications requirements);

Health assessment - You must prove that you are healthy.  All applicants must have their health assessed by a panel doctor and undergo a medical examination.

Character assessment - You should be of good character. But take note, this too must be assessed as well by some panel of judges.  

When your Expression Of Interest has been successfully assessed and you are deemed fit to apply for any of their Skilled Migrant Visa, Below are the visa Categories you can chose from. 

Skilled - Independent Visa

The Skilled - Independent Visa (subclass 189) is the most popular skilled migration category is geared to skilled workers who are in high demand and do not require a state or family sponsor.

Skilled - Nominated Visa

The Skilled - Nominated Visa (subclass 190) is a category for skilled applicants looking to emigrate to Australia who are sponsored by an Australian State or Territory.

Skilled - Nominated (Provisional) Visa

The Skilled - Nominated (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489) is a temporary visa for skilled migrants to live and work in a regional area of Australia through sponsorship by an Australian State or Territory.

Skilled - Sponsored (Provisional) Visa

The Skilled - Sponsored (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489) is a temporary visa for skilled migrants to live and work in a regional area of Australia through sponsorship from a relative who lives in a  Designated Area of Australia.

Skilled - Regional Visa

Highly skilled visa applications who have the necessary education and qualifications can qualify for a Skilled - Regional Visa if they are willing to settle in specific states and territories.

Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)

Permanent residents entering Australia under the Employer Nomination Scheme have a job waiting for them. Alternatively, you can apply for this visa if you hold a temporary working visa, such as the Working Holiday Visa or a Student Visa.

Regional Skilled Migration Scheme (RSMS)

The Australian Government's RSMS is limited to certain areas of Australia. It allows employers to sponsor skilled migrants for job vacancies. The RSMS visa provides permanent residency.

Labour Agreements

Labour Agreements enable Australian employers to recruit a specified number of workers from overseas in response to identified skills shortages in the Australian labour market. Employees may come to Australia on either a temporary or permanent basis.

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