Just as our body needs exercise and nutritious food to make us healthier, our brains need certain activities to keep our mental health at its best. Our moods are affected by both external and internal factors, but there are a variety of habits we can practice everyday that can help fight off depression naturally.
Whether your antidepressants aren't working for you, you're looking for a quick pick-me-up, or you just want to supplement your treatment with some good ole natural remedies, you can try altering your daily schedule to fit in some happiness-promoting activities that can help improve your overall wellbeing.
Everyone has different hobbies, and your individual passions can help fight off negative moods. While they're not guaranteed to cure your depression, Below are some daily habits that can help boost your mood.
Studies from University of Exeter have found that meditation is more effective than drugs or counseling in combatting depression. "You can download an app such as 'Headspace' and listen to a 10-minute guided imagery, and this will help to relax and calm your mood," says Martinez.
Practice Yoga
According to Harvard Health, a number of studies have found that yoga can help tame the body's stress response as well as improve overall mood and wellbeing. Yoga provides similar mental health benefits to exercise, and the use of controlled breathing is also effective in diminishing symptoms of depression. "Yoga helps to stretch and relax you, as well as center you for the day or for sleep," says Martinez.
Wake Up Early
"Wake up 30 minutes early to allow yourself to ease into your day and do something that is calming and relaxing to you," says Martinez. "This sets the tone of the day for you." In fact, studies from University of Toronto have found that early morning wake-up times is associated with greater feelings of overall happiness.
Write In A Journal
Writing is not only a healthy and constructive way to release any negative emotions, but it can also help you take control of your own personal narrative, which can help change your perception of yourself as well as help you overcome any obstacles. Studies in the journal Behavioral Therapy show that expressive writing can help get rid of depressive symptoms and improve mood.
Eat Some Fish