Gross Archive

Animals You Didn't Know Existed.


Imagine a fish that looks like its always on red lipstick. Pretty cool, I know. Found on the Galapagos Islands, this fish is actually a bad swimmer, and uses it's fin to walk on the bottom of the ocean.


This is a rare shark that looks like a goblin, hence it's name. It is the only extant representative of the family mitsukurinidae, a lineage some 125 million years old. The shark poses no danger to humans due to the depth at which it lives. They live in depths greater that 330ft.


Also known as the blue dragon, is not really a dragon but a specie of the blue sea slug. It is so small, it can actually fit in your palm.


This eyeless and always looks like it has a smile on, is actually called Atretochoanaeiselti. It is a large aquatic, caecillian amphibian, with a broad, flat head and a fleshy dorsal fin on its body.


The pacu fish are related to the piranha, but unlike the piranha which is quite small in size, the pacu fish can grow up to 3.5ft in total length, and weigh up to 40kg. Residents of Papua, New Guinea call this fish the “ball cutter” due to its massive human-like teeth. The local fishermen were really worried about the safety of their testicles when they had to get in the water. Yikes!

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