Suicide is simple defined as killing yourself. Suicide is the culminating act in the process of overcoming the human instinct towards self-preservation. Many people commit suicide because of different reasons best known to them because they don't discuss to other what they are going through, as a result of this Obiaks Blog has takken it to heart to reveal on how to know someone who wants to commit suicide i.e a suicidial person.
1. Understand the severity of suicide
Suicide is the culminating act in the process of overcoming the human instinct towards self-preservation. Suicide is a worldwide problem; in the year 2012 alone, around 804,000 people ended their own lives, In the US, suicide is a leading cause of death, with a suicide occurring around every 5 minutes. In the year 2012, there were over 43,300 suicide deaths in the US.
2. Recognize the progression of suicide.
Though the trigger for the suicidal act may be sudden and the act impulsive, suicide happens in progressive stages that are often recognized by others in hindsight. The stages of suicide include:
- Stressful events which trigger sadness or depression.
- Suicidal thoughts in which the individual questions whether to continue living
- Making plans to commit suicide in a specific way
- Suicidal preparation, which can include gathering the means to commit suicide and giving away possessions to loved ones
- Suicide attempt in which an individual tries to end her own life
3. Watch for depression and anxiety around major life changes
People of all age experience life changes that can bring out feelings of anxiety and depression. Most people are able to recognize that it is normal to have problems and that situations are temporary.However, some people become so mired in their depression and anxiety that they cannot see beyond the immediate moment. They have no hope and see no options to escape the pain that they are feeling.
People having suicidal thoughts seek to end the pain of a (temporary) situation with a (permanent, irreversible) solution.
Some people even believe the fact that they feel suicidal means that they are crazy, and if they're crazy, they might as well commit suicide. This is untrue on two levels. First, people without mental illness can contemplate suicide. Second, those who do suffer from mental illness are still worthwhile individuals with a lot to offer.
4. Take any suicide threat seriously
You may have heard that people who are serious about committing suicide don't talk about it. This is untrue! Someone speaking about suicide openly may be asking for help the only way she knows how, and if no one offers help, she may give in to the darkness that is overwhelming her.
It is believed that for every successful adult suicide, there are 20 to 25 unsuccessful attempts. In the 15-24 year-old age group, there are as many as 200 unsuccessful attempts for each successful suicide.
These statistics suggest that if you suspect that someone is considering suicide, you're likely to be correct; it's best to assume you're right and ask for help.
5. Don't assume your friend is not the “kind of person” who would commit suicide
It might be easier to prevent suicide if there were a specific profile for the kind of person who commits suicide, but there is not. Suicide can affect people from every country, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, and economic level.
Some people are surprised to find that even children as young as 6 and elderly people who feel that they have become a burden to their familiessometimes take their own lives.
Do not assume that only people who are mentally ill attempt suicide. The suicide rate is higher in those with mental illness, but people without mental illness also commit suicide. Additionally, people who do have a diagnosed mental illness may not share that information openly, so you may be unaware of someone's mental illness.
6. Be aware of trends in suicide statistics
Though suicidal thoughts can happen to anyone, there are certain patterns that can identify groups that are higher risk. Men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide, but women are more likely to have suicidal thoughts, voice those suicidal thoughts to others, and have unsuccessful suicide attempts.
- Adults under 30 tend to think about a plan for suicide more that adults over 30.
- Among teenage girls, Hispanic girls have the highest rate of suicide attempts.
7. Recognize risk factors for suicide
It is important to remember, as specified above, that suicidal individuals are unique and don't fit into a specific mold. However, knowing the following risk factors may help you determine whether your friend is at risk.
- Individuals are at higher risk for suicide if they:
- have a history of suicide attempt(s)
- suffer from mental illness, often depression
- abuse alcohol or drugs, including prescription painkillers
- have heath problems or chronic pain
- have employment or financial problems
- feel as though they are alone or isolated and lack social support
- have relationship problems
- have family members who have committed suicide
- are victims of discrimination, violence, or abuse
- experience feelings of hopelessness
8.Watch for the three most serious risk factors
Three factors that best predict suicide are feeling isolated, feeling like a burden to others, and having learned to hurt oneself. Suicide attempts are “rehearsals” for actual suicide rather than cries for help. Most likely to successfully commit suicide:
- are desensitized to physical pain
- do not fear death
9. Recognize common warning signs of suicide
Some people commit suicide with no warnings, but most people who attempt suicide say or do things that can serve as red flags to warn others that something is wrong. If you see some or all of the following warning signs, intervene immediately to prevent a tragic death. Some warning signs include:
- changes in sleeping or eating habits
- increased alcohol, drug, or painkiller usage
- inability to work, think clearly, or make decisions
- expression of feelings of extreme unhappiness or depression
- expression of feelings of isolation or the impression that no one notices or cares about them
- sharing feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or lack of control
- complaints of pain and an inability to visualize a pain-free future
- threats of self-harm
- giving away valuable or cherished possessions
- a sudden period of happiness or surge of energy after a long stretch of depression