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Every Living Person Needs To Know These Secrets.

You know everything start within ourselves. We can control our behaviors and our attitudes - up to us. But our behaviors or attitudes normally derive from our upbringing. In other words, our family plays a major role in shaping our behaviors and attitudes. In fact, not just us, everybody - since the beginning of mankind. Think, if we have a good family, no marriage problems, our behaviors and attitudes will be better because of this positive environment. Then we will grow up and be a responsible and caring citizen with a positive attitude. Thus, if everybody goes through this kind of process, I guarantee that our world will be a better place to live because we would have a lot more responsible and caring people accept for the Schizophrenia cases. I say that we should work towards a better marriage if we want to live in a better world. Remember, better world comes from better nations, better nations comes from better governments, better governments comes from better leaders, better leaders comes from better individuals, better individuals comes from good family, good family comes from a good marriage. So if we want a better world for us to live and for our children and for the next generation, better start from the root which is to have a better family.
So what is a good family? How do we define a good family? Simply said a good family is a family with a great marriage. If we have a great marriage, then we could focus on bringing up our children with positive attitude and positive environment instead of focusing our energy and time quarrelling with each other and creating negative environment for our children. How can our children grow and become a caring person if everyday he or she has to listen and witness his parents quarreling with each other. What sort of example is that? I believe it is our responsibilities to search for the secrets of a great marriage. It is a must if we want our children to grow in positive person and become a responsible and caring person. We owe it to our children. Remember, love alone cannot produce a great marriage. It is an endless search because we, human have a very special characteristic which is new. New in the sense that we always change, sometimes we are like this, sometimes we are like that, sometimes we want this, and sometimes we want that. I think you got what I am trying to tell.
Again, I want to emphasis that if we want to have a better world to live in, we better search the secrets of a great marriage. Just remember it is an endless task of trial and error. But, we must do it; we owe it to our children. Just remember that this task has to come from our hearts. Do this for ourselves, for our spouses, for our partners, for our nations and for a better world. Remember, everything must come from the heart.
Thank you.
Husni Husain.

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