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Creative Ideas Of Having A Dream Wedding On A Low Budget

Planning a wedding on a tight budget is one of the hardest things to carry out in life. One is face with a lot of things from scouting for a befitting venue, to purchasing one's dream wedding dress/suit, down to getting the important guest satisfied with good food and exotic drinks, paying for decorations, live band, professional DJ, getting a good MC and lot more. These listed elements can leave partners drained both emotionally and financially.

The key word is to have a classic not necessarily a trendy wedding, this is quite achievable even with the little money on ground, all what one has to do is to be creative and customize the wedding to suit what they have always dreamt of. Nothing gives one a life-time of joy especially the bride, if her wedding is or close to what she/they envisage.

From a place of personal experience, I think everything about a dream wedding should be personalize to give the celebrant the utmost satisfaction, when once the people involve are happy, any other person's thought, ideas or things are inconsequential. Bear in mind, it is your day, so it up to you to shut out people and their gossips and focus on the positive energy of making your dream wedding a reality, even with the limited funds at your disposal.

So have you been wondering ,how to have that classic wedding of a lifetime and limited funds seem to be an hindrance, well, put your mind at rest and take a look at the below  suggestions  for some practicable ideas  on having that dream wedding on a tight budget.

Invite fewer guests
Planning a wedding with fewer guest brings about quality, instead of watering down the whole package for the event because of much guests, you cut down on the number of invited guests and pep up the package with quality vibes. The idea is to contact mostly family members and people that really matters, that way you are having your circles intact and cutting away irrelevant people and expenses which only constitute as nuisances to the happy event. Remember, a dream wedding is possible if you keep it small.

Spend money on only important things
It is always important to list out the outstanding areas of a wedding plan and cut off irrelevancies, you could find out from wedding vendors, read procedures online, visit a wedding planner or meet past couples to help you with list of essential elements for a wedding, so as to know the most things to focus on. When once the essential things are taken care of, then you will be on your way to having your dream wedding. Just create a budget that would accommodate the peripherals of what you want to see and have in your wedding and stick to it. What shot up most wedding budget is always the extra carnival that the couple what to indulge in.

Seek a better alternative for some areas of the wedding
You could always swap expensive stuff for less expensive ones, instead of out rightly cutting out expensive stuff from the list and not being satisfied or happy on your big day. For example if you need a designer dress and the cost is beyond your reach, you could copy the design and sew same with a good local designer, but if splurging on the exact designer gown would sit well with you, then go for it ,while seeking alternatives for the other items on your list. you can also cut out music band and make do with a professional DJ, it far cheaper that way, you could hire a local professional photographer and a local videographer if your budget cannot hire international ones or better still work with only one international Grapher and forgone the other and again, you could make do with your wedding gown for your reception instead of changing to another dress. Bottom line is splurge mostly on your top priority and keeps other areas low key, so that even with a low budget a classic wedding is still achieved.

Map out ways to tackle uninvited guests
Nothing put a wedding under distressed like invasion of the venue by unwanted guests .most times they make a complete mess of the event, they come stealing, causing mayhem and taking away most things meant for the invited guests, so to have a classic wedding without confusion, mean -looking bouncers, which could be familiar people that the charges wouldn't be high should be hire and station at the entrance of the venue or better still the real venue should only be disclosed to invited guest. That way your offers get directly to whom it concern (invited guests) and you would be fine with the outcome.

Ask for help and donations
Happy people are always looking out to put smiles on people faces and of course, you would not be that unlucky to have unhappy people all around you. So don't hesitate to raise the help flag for assistance. This assistance can be in form of cash or kind. Don't  try to impose anything on anybody. It has been proven naturally that people tend to do more when they are given the free hand to help without restrictions or coercion. So to have your dream wedding come true, you could just mention the areas that needs help and watch people take it upon themselves to assist and make your big day huge.

Have a wedding committee
This idea came in handy during my wedding period; I had my dream wedding without breaking a bank, the essence of this committee is to get some burden off the couple, it could both financially and otherwise, this committee of friends takes  active part in  planning  a successful  wedding. You would be surprise that the committee contain diverse people that have got one skill or the other. From the group, people will be nominated to be drivers of the day, record keepers, decorators, logistics planners, singers and event planner, there is also the possibility of having a baker as part of the team and you will be amaze at the amount of financial obligation that is off your shoulders while having your dream wedding.

Share with us in the comments section, how you had your dream wedding at little or no cost

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