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Baby Shower And Motherhood Celebration

A baby shower is a good way to welcome an expecting woman to motherhood. It doesn’t even matter whether the baby shower that is being celebrated is the mother’s first or not. Baby showers are fun events especially for women, and women no matter the age love girl parties.
Baby shower events are not as stiff today as tradition dictated. Anyone can participate in a baby shower unlike before when only non-relatives can. What is important is someone cared enough to initiate the shower except of course the mother.
A baby shower is a celebration of motherhood as well as celebrating birth and fertility. And so a baby shower should pose no restrictions. Anyone can initiate it. Close friends, a sister or even a group of people so long as they want to share the fun and responsibilities in hosting the event.
The best people to be invited to baby shower parties are those that are in the expectant mother’s list. The best way to kick the invitations off is through the good old-fashioned hand written messages. E-mails and other electronic devices can be used invite guests but handwritten messages are the best medium to set the tone of the party. If the celebration were not for a first born, it would be safer to invite only the soon-to-be-mothers and those that haven’t attended a baby shower yet.
Traditionally, males are not invited to baby shower parties but in today’s more open interaction, there could be males who would genuinely want to experience what baby showers are. If so, have them in but prepare food for them other than the traditional artsy cutesy food. There are just tastes that males would always prefer. The games also have to be designed so that the male guests do not remain spectators and observers during the entire celebration.
The ideal date to hold a baby shower is about one to two months before the baby arrives. This is also a good lead-time for the expecting mother to shop around for items for the infant that has been missed in the gift giving. Baby showers are best held in the mothers’ house or backyard but it can also be just as fine in any function hall and the church’s fellowship area.
One of the most lively and exciting parts in the baby shower party is during gift giving. This can be made more exciting if each guest has a theme for her present. Gift baskets are popular and can easily be themed. Bathtubs, linen, infant accessory baskets, toy bins, hampers, name it, theming can easily be done and in a more creative way. While baby showers are dedicated to motherhood, it would also be a good idea to give gifts to the baby that fathers would appreciate like bibs and linen with an “I love my dad” on it.
It will be presumed that second time mothers would require less baby gear. If that is so, gifts for the mother will also be appropriate like gift checks, and nursing accessories.
Baby showers are great ways to express affinity and friendship. Everyone appreciates kind and well-intentioned thoughts. Parents all over the world are flattered when their children are appreciated. Baby showers are one of the events that anyone can use to rekindle bonds and relationships.

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