Tip One: Preparing for college often means preparing financially. If the kids are young, consider investing in college tuition plans. Some states can provide these for you or financial firms can. If the kids are older, help them to get the scholarships that are out there and help them to find the financial aid that they or you need. While you may be willing to take out a home equity loan for their education, it may be smarter to look towards other options instead.
Tip Two: Preparing for college academically. Often, parents start with this preparation at a very young age. What is important, though, is not just allowing them to soak up the information in text books, but to show them and allow them to experience life. Take them to museums, musicals and other intellectual aspects. Provide for them the study plan and the work environment that they need to get good grades. Put rules and rewards in place for good behavior, good grades and success. And, make sure to get them the help that they need if they are struggling.
Tip Three: Preparing for college also means emotional preparation. While it is not hard to realize that your baby is growing up, you’ll need to prepare them for the real world by allowing them to make mistakes and helping them to learn from them. It is also important for them to develop social skills too. They need to be challenged and encouraged in a positive manner to succeed.
All of this is up to mom and dad to provide. Preparing for college didn’t seem to be all that hard when you went, did it?
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