An enzyme is a protein that catalyzes, or speeds up a chemical reaction. Enzymes help in digestion of food. The digestive enzymes in our human bodies break down food into tiny particles that get easily accumulated by the body into the blood stream. These are the compounds that our human body uses for fuel, repair and growth. Food is filled with enzymes called “food enzymes” that help in the digestion of food. When we cook our food we unconsciously destroy those enzymes.
How do pancreas work?
Our body, in general, can manufacture enzymes called “digestive enzymes” in our pancreas. When we eat a diet that is filled with mostly cooked and processed foods, devoid of all enzymes, then pancreas starts working hard on it and thus manufactures the enzymes that the body needs to digest the food. So pancreas overworks and the body starts spending much more energy and resources on digestion instead of spending on important things like boosting an immune system, fighting diseases and repairing body parts.
Types of enzymes
However you should try to heal the overworking capacity in pancreas by filling it with an abundance of enzymes. Foods rich in enzymes include raw materials, vegetables, seeds and nuts, as well as marinated and fermented foods. After you complete overloading your pancreas with enzyme supplementation you can check with your health care provider whether you need more medication to improve on your enzyme building system.
Food enzymes not only help in digestion procedure but they also help in cleansing the body, breaking down allergens and environmental products that can potentially prove to be harmful. So we should always have a diet that contains a range of fresh enzyme filled foods, to make our bodies stay disease free.
Capacity of enzymes
For most enzymes to operate in the body, the optimal temperature is 37 degree Celsius or 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Most of the human enzymes have a maximal activity at pH around 7.2, which is the pH of most body fluids. However, there are exceptions such as, pepsin. However, this enzyme is most effective in the highly acidic conditions of the stomach, pH 2. The pancreatic enzymes work optimally in the alkaline conditions of pH 8.5 of the small intestine.
Enzymes have a plethora of responsibilities in the body, digestion, metabolism of carbohydrates, and much more. With all the right ingredients of enzymes, the body can remain fit and healthy.
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