The state of your health can also affect your sleeping. Mood swings, chronic diseases, depression, pain and alcoholism can all cause insomnia. Many women have sleeping disorders due to menstruation-related problems, with some women reporting insomnia during their menstrual periods. Pregnancy is also a common cause of sleeping disorders in women.
Sleeping disorders can be classified into four general categories. They are dyssomnias, parasomnias, medical or psychiatric problems, and proposed disorders.
Dyssomnia happens because of the interruption to the body’s natural resting. It can be caused by external factors or due to environmental factors.
Parasomnia is a sleeping disorder that is caused by difficulties with arousal or sleeping stage changeover. It is a type of sleeping disorders where bedwetting, teeth grinding, night terrors, and sleep talking or walking can disturb sleep. Medical or psychiatric problems, which disturb sleep tend to come from alcoholism, ulcers, asthma and anxiety.
Then there are proposed disorders, which are rest-related disturbances. The time required by people to take rest varies from individual to individual. Some might require longer periods or shorter periods. But if the total rest periods are unusual in length then it causes a sleeping disorder.
There are also less serious sleeping disorders. Many people suffer with excessive night sweating without having fever. Usually you’ll wake up with your pj’s and sheets drenched in sweat. During sleep there can be fidgety or twitchy movements of limbs. Even though this is not a serious problem, it can cause disturbed sleep. Nightmares and vivid dreams can also disturb your sleep.
If you detect any of these symptoms then it is important you seek treatment. Sleep is such a vital component of good health that you should treat any prolonged sleep disorders as warranting attention.
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