Obiaks Blog

I Love Watching Caricatures Being Made

I am not the most artistic person that has ever happened. In fact, my friends and family often laugh at me for how little I know about all things art. I cannot paint a picture to save my life, and any photographs I take usually end up off of center and unusable for anything. There is, however, one part of art that I cannot get enough of: caricatures. I absolutely love them. I cannot create them myself, yet I still never tire of watching them be made by other people.
I will never forget the day that I fell in love with seeing caricatures being made that truly reflected people. I was at a theme park with my family for vacation. I couldn' have been more than ten years old. I was loving everything about the theme park, but when we walked upon a station where artists were creating caricatures I was mezmorized. I could hardly believe the way the artists were making true yet silly representations of the people that sat before them.
I was so intrigued with the process of caricatures that I convinced my mother to let me stay a little while and just watch. Looking back, I am quite shocked that she let a ten year old stay by herself in the park, but she did. And I loved that hour of watching. My eyes moved back and forth from the face of the subject being painted to the face of the artist to the hand of the artist doing the work.
I have continued to be intrigued with caricatures of all kinds. In fact, I have started a growing collection of caricatures. These represent attempts at creating likenesses of myself, my family, some of my closest friends, and a variety of other people that I admire. The caricatures are wide in variety yet they are of the same essence. I have many of them framed in my office and they make for the most interesting conversation starters.
If you're looking for a new thing to collect or for a new hobby to pick up, then consider caricatures. I have taken two classes aimed specifically to help people learn to do proper caricatures. I am still a long way from considering myself an artist, but my skills have greatly improved. So consider the uniqueness and beauty of caricatures and incorporate them into your life however you can.