Obiaks Blog

The Single Life/Divorced Males

The single life can be as difficult as starting over after a major disaster or death in the family. Of course we cannot include the young and always single in this article as they do not know any better, have not dealt with raising children or truly loved another person. It is the 30-year-old’s and older who are divorced and alone that are having the hardest time making adjustments to their new found ways of life.
According to U.S. divorce statistics 59% of the people are married and 10% of the population is divorced (U.S. Divorce, 2002). The medium age of first divorce for males is around 30 years of age and the medium age of the second divorce is around 40 years old. This leaves men slightly older than the typical underemployed college student and younger than those trying to apply for Medicare. In essence, “they are too old to care but too young for Medicare”.
Divorce is common in America due to the lack of social structure, family support and limited religious authority. This can be good or bad depending on the person and his/her motives. Yet one thing can be sure that life doesn’t end for a 30-something male out on his own again.
Recently divorced males have a lot of things going for them that their younger college colleagues do not have. Typically, they are youthful looking and can maintain a physically healthy lifestyle with few medical problems. In addition, they have a reasonable income after a number of years of employment, some assets like a house and a nice vehicle. Finally, and most importantly they are mature and know where they are going in life. “What you see is what you get” and a young lady doesn’t have to take a gamble on who are what this person will be in 5 years.
So when you feel down about your recent divorce just remember that you are in your most productive years and have more to offer than most people.