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So, When Is The Right Time For A Short Hair Cut?

The short hair cut is as popular as ever and more and more women are taking the plunge and sporting ultra-short locks. From the heavily textured and spiked to the soft and feminine, there is no doubt that the short hair cut is here to stay and has proven to be one of the most popular hair cut styles among women.
But how do you know if you should go short with your new hair cut or when you should take the plunge? For most, the answer to these questions is going to be a personal decision, but there are some guidelines that you can follow to help you decide whether or not a short hair cut is for you.
Choosing the right hair cut style should be a joint effort between you and your stylist. With her professional advice as to what will look sensational on you and your personal preference, together you should be able to find numerous new hair cuts that are perfect for your individual personality, tastes and features.
When to go for the short hair cut and when not to
You should choose a short hair cut if you prefer shorter styles or if you have been thinking about going short for a while. If you have already worn a short hair cut in the past and loved it, then you are one step ahead of the game. Likely, you will have a good idea of what short cuts will look good on you and which cuts will give you the most styling ease and freedom.
You should not choose a short hair cut just because it is trendy or you saw it on someone else and want to achieve the same effect. While some hair cut styles will look just as great on you as they do on others, getting a short hair cut on a whim is never a good idea. If you see something you like, think about it for a while before deciding to get a new hair cut. Even better - use one of the interactive online hair galleries, to test out the look before you buy
Never get a short hair cut for emotional reasons. Having a bad hair day? Do not cut your hair off in anger. If you do, you may end up fighting with dreaded tresses that are much too short for your particular style. Instead, go for a trim or a style that is just slightly shorter than the one you already have.
How to go short
If you have never had a short hair cut, you should go shorter gradually to reduce the level of shock experienced with getting a short hair cut and to see if you are going to like wearing shorter styles. Be prepared to experience some level of shock, though, even if you only shorten your style by a few inches.
Talk to your stylist and decide what type of short hair cut is your ultimate goal. Then, choose several hair cut styles that you can get over the course of a few months that will decrease your hair's length gradually. That way when you finally take the plunge and get the short hair cut you will know that you will be comfortable with it. Nothing is worse than trying to grow out a short hair cut that you hate.

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