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Hoodia Cactus Plant : 13 Fascinating Facts About the Amazing Hoodia

I have done research on hoodia gordonii in order to enlighten the general public; I have compiled what I consider fascinating features about this amazing plant that everyone who cares an iota may want to know.
1. Hoodia gordonii is a rare plant growing in the semi deserts of Botswana, Angola, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
2. Hoodia unfortunately has a slow growth rate, usually taking five years before flowering; only after it has flowered can a farmer begin to harvest hoodia.
3. Hoodia grows in the world’s most inhospitable places where it scarcely rains during the summer.
4. With the right conditions hoodia can be one of the easiest plants to grow. But it must be grown in the desert.
5. Hoodia requires no special soil, ideal PH, sterilization, insecticide, herbicide, or fertilizer. Hoodia only needs some rain and below average soil.
6. Hoodia is a “survival” plant; it can survive occasional flooding and droughts.
7. Most parts of the hoodia plant--either cut or broken--can easily root.
8. The older parts of hoodia have really sharp and hard spines; these spines help safeguard the plant from the attacks of herbivorous beasts.
9. If for any reason the tip part of the hoodia’s stem is injured, new branches will begin to grow from the cut stem.
10. Hoodia when eaten does not leave an after taste in your mouth.
11. A person or even an animal will notice a sense of well-being and more energy when digesting real hoodia.
12. Ultimately hoodia has shown people around the world to possess the ability to curb one’s appetite by imitating the same effect that glucose has on the brain; our brain then tells us that we are full which of course, decreases our desire to want to eat.
13. Aphrodisiac qualities of hoodia have yet not been proven in clinical trials, but the testimonials of satisfied consumers are favorable and persistent in this regard.
To read reviews and testimonials of quality hoodia products, click the link below.