Obiaks Blog

Discover The Hidden Facts About The Water You May Be Drinking

Copyright 2006 Frank Mangano
Water is life. Without it, humans could not exist. We are made up mostly of water, as is the world around us. There is no one on the planet with any kind of knowledge of dieting, health and fitness that does not understand the need for a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. However, there is much more you need to know about water so that it can really provide you with the health benefits you seek instead of causing more harm than good.
Tap water is full of chemicals including chlorine and aluminum. These chemicals are not truly meant for human consumption but occur either naturally in water sources due to the composition of the surrounding soil, or are added by cities and town to remove harmful bacteria or unpleasant tastes. In order to drink pure water, you need to either filter it or buy pure spring water.
Water filters are relatively inexpensive these days and easily attach to faucets so that with the flip of switch the drinking water is filtered and then flipping the switch back saves your filter when the water is used for washing hands or doing dishes. Filters need to be changed frequently for the best benefits.
Bottled water should not be stored in the typical milk jug type container. These plastic containers made of PVC contain chemicals, which rub off into the drinking water and put toxins into your body as you drink the water. The more rigid plastic made of polyethylene or better yet, glass containers will not allow any chemicals to “rub off” into the drinking water. Stores will promote the PVC jugs as containing “drinking water” but you need to purchase only “spring water” and be selective about the container. Do not drink “distilled” water either, since the oxidation is potentially harmful along with the fact that it can contain improper pH balances and ionization.
Buying or filtering your water will also allow you to remove harmful aluminum. The consumption of too much aluminum is linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). People with AD who have died were found to have high concentrations of aluminum in their brain tissue.
How Much Water is Enough?
The minimum is 8 glasses a day, but that is a guideline that is far too general. A better guide is to have 16 ounces for every 25 pounds you weigh. For example, a 125 pound person should have about 80 ounces, which is 10 8-ounce glasses each day, or 2 1/2 quarts. That means a 200-pound person should have an entire gallon of pure water each day. Those people engaged in strenuous exercise need even more. Don’t worry; your body will soon adjust to proper hydration and you won’t be running to the bathroom every ½ hour after about the first 2 or 3 days!
Most people like their water ice-cold, but it is believed that extremely cold water in these beneficial quantities can be harmful to the stomach lining. It is best to drink water at room temperature. If you buy spring water or purify your own tap water, it will remove all of the chemicals that make room-temperature water taste bad, and you will be able to enjoy pure tasting water even at the warmer temperatures.
You can always add a squeeze of fresh lemon to add a little flavor without adding anything your body doesn’t need. Just be sure to drink, drink, and drink some more.