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Menopause And Fatigue

For menopause sufferers, fatigue it is all too common. Some women report lying on the couch with their eyes closed unable to move for long periods of time. Or they experience mental fatigue that provides for feelings of indifference and an overall slumber from day to dusk that makes them unable to perform activities with maximum effort.
Fatigue comes in many forms: loss of energy after working out, motion sickness fatigue as a result of senses mixing signals in the brain causing your ears and eyes to overwork, and more. Some women suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and others are diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
If you think you are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, see a doctor. This is a complicated syndrome and needs constant medical attention. For people who think they might have a sluggish thyroid, one suggestion is to buy a bottle of iodine tincture and place a circle of iodine on your stomach or thigh. If it disappears before 24 hours, keep applying it until your system doesn't absorb it within that time period.
Fatigue in woman suffering from menopause is typically due to (surprise) a hormonal imbalance. Estrogen regulates homeostasis as well as the life processes in the body that determine body shape by distributing fat, constructing vital tissues, maintaining blood flow and correct cholesterol level.
Besides lack of this female hormone, there are lots of menopause symptoms that contribute heavily to fatigue symptoms such as the inability to sleep or waking up intermittently in the night, an insufficient diet compounded by too much caffeine and alcohol, night sweats that wake you up periodically, and overall depression and stress.
Another factor of menopausal fatigue is the lack of progesterone produced in the body. Progesterone is the ¨happy hormone¨ that accounts for a woman’s sexual drive. With the introduction of menopause, levels of this hormone can decrease significantly.
The magical question now is: how can you combat fatigue during menopause? Luckily, there are a variety of answers. Introducing certain herbs into your diet can greatly boost energy levels. Herbs like sarsaparilla and wild yam root contain plant estrogen, which is like the estrogen produced in our bodies. In some women, hormone replacement therapy is required. Also, the use progesterone vaginal cream goes a long way to restoring sexual desire.
Exercise is reported to help with numerous menopause symptoms, fatigue being one of the major ones. The simple act of walking and basking in the sun which is an excellent source of Vitamin D can noticeably boost energy levels. Do you smoke? Get rid of those cigarettes right away – they have been scientifically proven to lower estrogen levels.
The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice

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