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Norwich Union Travel Insurance Highlight Holiday Hazard Hotspots

At a time when many UK families are getting excited about their forthcoming holiday Norwich Union has compiled a list of destinations most likely to cause problems. The list is based upon Norwich Union's extensive claims database.
The report highlighted some old chestnuts but also revealed some less likely destinations. Mexico topped the list for claims following sun over-exposure, whilst the Caribbean also found the top spot for insect bites and stings.
The ugly face of crime raises its head in South Africa but both old British favorites, Spain and the Canaries are both highlighted as a risk for robbery and pick pocketing. Thailand was also mention for theft problems, but the report also advised unwary travelers should also be aware of tummy problems, traffic accidents and lost belongings.
Norwich Union were also quick to point out that most holidays go without hitch and the purpose of the report is not to worry tourists, merely to make them aware. Western Europe appeared to offer,in the main, the safest destinations, with Ireland pipping Belguim, Holland, Germany and France.
Norwich Union advise however that whilst the new European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) covers many potential problems it won't cover all costs and will not cover rescue or repatriation. An important point being that the biggest cause of problems when abroad is unforeseen medical emergencies.
When you consider the cost of your holiday a little extra expense in the form of adequate travel insurance cover would seem a prudent step. Although of course due diligence should also be practised.
Norwich Union offer the following tips for a hazard-free holiday;-
Lost/Misplaced belongings
Keep an eye on your belongings at all times. Do not leave them unattended and ensure you don’t check in your valuables while traveling, keep them with you, in a safe place.
Lock belongings in a safe when in a hotel.
Be aware of open windows and doors in your villa or hotel room – they attract opportunist thieves.
Robbery with violence
Be aware of your surroundings and look purposeful. Avoid looking lost, confused or distracted as this makes you an easier target for opportunist thieves.
Find out the emergency phone numbers used in the area you are visiting.
Tummy problems
Eat food that has been freshly prepared or thoroughly cooked, avoiding food that has been left standing for long periods.
Avoid ice in drinks in countries where you can’t drink the tap water (often it is not made from bottled water).
Be aware that salads may also have been washed in tap water.

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