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Adjustable Beds And Acid Reflux

An adjustable bed is a bed that allows for the head and foot sections to be raised and lowered. Modern adjustable beds use electrical motors to control movement, and often include extras such as heat and massage. Adjustable beds have in some shape or form been available for many years. They have their roots in the hospital industry, which long ago discovered the many advantages of adjustable beds. It was not until the 1960's that these devices became popular for the general consumer, and since the price has dropped while the quality has risen.
There are many medicinal advantages that are associated with adjustable beds. Adjustable beds have been shown to improve circulation, help to ease lower back pain and tension, improve breathing conditions, help with acid reflux, and have many other benefits. Many of these advantages come from the ability to easily put yourself in the semi-fowler position. The semi-fowler position is when the head is elevated to 30 - 45 degrees, and is largely accepted in the hospital industry as providing many advantages for patients who have undergone surgery.
Of all the medical benefits associated with adjustable beds, perhaps the most intriguing is its help with combating acid reflux. Acid Reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a common medical condition wherein acids from the stomach are regurgitated into the esophagus. It is incredibly common and by some estimates affects over 40 million Americans each year. Small amounts of acid reflux, or heartburn, are normal, but chronic cases will result in damage an inflammation of the esophagus. Over a long period of time acid reflux will result in hoarseness, chronic cough, throat and chest pain, and feeling like there is always a lump in your throat.
Gravity plays an incredibly large part in controlling acid reflux, so it is no surprise that acid reflux is at its worst at night when the body is in a prone position. It is also at night that acid reflux can cause the most damage. This is because swallowing helps to bring the acid reflux back down to the stomach, but at night you do not swallow frequently, so the acid reflux stays in the esophagus for greater periods of time. This is where the advantage of owning an adjustable bed comes in. By sleeping with your upper body slightly elevated acid reflux can often be controlled, and when this is combined with some of the medicines available for acid reflux, it provides a powerful means of preventing and controlling acid reflux.
Adjustable beds offer many other advantages that revolve around individual comfort and usability. They make it much easier to watch TV or to read books in bed. It is also much more ergonomic and practical to eat in bed with an adjustable bed. Whether you are purchasing your adjustable bed for one of the many of the medical reasons, to get a better nights rest, or for any of the other advantages associated with them, you will be amazed at the luxurious feelings associated with these beds.

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