Gross Archive

Bible Road Map - Or The Road Less Traveled

In the last few years we have witnessed a woman who drowned her children just to keep her rich boyfriend. An ice skating competitor who had the legs of her top rival broken so she could win. We have seen a mother hire a hit man to eliminate her daughter’s competition in baton twirling championships. Another man destroyed his pregnant wife to be able to play the field, and live the life of a playboy.
Perhaps the most unbelievable of all was a woman who killed a pregnant woman then cut her open and stole her unborn baby. I take exception with those who take exception with me for saying, that we have a nation of potential criminals and crackpots in our own children.
We have created this dangerous potential by giving our children anything and everything they want or call for. When they enter the real world, the work a day world where they must fend for themselves suddenly the silver platter is withdrawn and the reality is too much to handle for some. We have forgotten the days of our austerity when as pioneers, plainsmen, and immigrants we were thankful to have our most basic needs met. We have elevated our wants and desires to the level of the sacred.
We imitate and borrow from the language of the greedy with our preoccupation with the prosperity gospel of today’s preachers. You will be just as likely to find today’s churches teaching us how to invest our money as how to get saved. Being born again is mocked and set aside in favor of instruction in the stock market, retirement funds and get rich schemes. Add to this, that modern psychology, sociology and other behavioral and environmental scientists have repeatedly warned us that poverty leads to crime and social upheaval of every kind. You can only imagine what America would look like if virtually every extra and almost all essentials were at a premium, if they could be found at all. It does not paint a very good picture.
The ancient city of Sodom was rebuked by the prophet Ezekiel. Everyone knows the sins of ancient Sodom but in Ezekiel’s rebuke, the root cause for Sodom’s sin is revealed. In Ezekiel’s rebuke there is a warning for us to recognize the same cause festering in our land today. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. Eze.16:49
Ezekiel’s rebuke comes to my mind every time I hear some one refuse to give a few dollars to a children’s organization because they think the child won’t get all the money. But no one seems to even notice, much less demand a tax refund when a four hundred million dollar Jupiter probes go haywire and becomes useless. Movies are made that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce, whose messages and images would he better left in a garbage can. Tax money is spent on everything from the study of the flow of ketchup to the nocturnal habits of lesbians. Concupiscence and waste are rampant in every level of society and government, while personal responsibility and prudent stewardship has become an ethical relic of sorts. Where does it end?
I have no doubt that the chastisements of America will be the sudden and complete removal of nearly all essential goods and personal wealth. Something on the order of the dust bowl and the stock market crash combined, but multiplied many times over will soon befall this country. How this will come about is not certain but that is not my concern at this moment. I would prefer to see millions of Americans coming to their senses and turning back to God in humility and thereby avoiding this great portent, but I am sure that this is not what they are going to do.
A few years ago I was singing and playing guitar in some folk music venues. I produced three albums of Irish, folk, bluegrass and gospel songs before I published a compilation of my original songs. Among them is one I named An American Lament, I tried to present it as a Christian song but in the most subdued fashion. I wanted a message without the mush. I think I was able to accomplish that and that is why I present it here to appendage this section.
Many tall mountains, many long valleys
Many the white plains, that stretch out so far
All deep flowing rivers, rise cresting to meet me
Two shimmering oceans, with soft sandy shore
Darkly thick are the woodlands, the tall trees are bending
From beyond the soft west wind, drives the waves to the shore
Free flies the eagle, free rolling in blue skies
On high still the master, of all he surveys
Her people have proud eyes, all resting so carefree
They've left their strong towers, passing on to and fro
All beauty before them, great mountains and rivers
Yet groping like blind men, who can't find the door
Bard, prophet and poet, sing haply their bright songs
But the heart that is searching, can see somethings wrong
To pierce through the dark cloud, the heart always wonders
But to grow into greatness, the hearts made to cry
But this land is not my land, this home its not my home
For I've never yet been there, not now or before
Rev Bresciani is the author of two popular Christian books, one on the second coming of Christ. He has hundreds of articles published both online and in print.
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