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Kids Party Games Have Never So Much Fun

If you are about to organise a children's party then balloons are normally as standard and this durable party idea has so many ways to make children and parents have fun.
There are literally endless ways to use balloons for parties but we here we look at four ideas to use balloons at a party. If the sun is shining then why not have the party outside but many of these games can also be played inside.
Balloon party game 1 - Toss the Water Balloon
Children stand face to face in pairs holding one water balloon per pair. The children toss it to each other. After each successful toss the kids take one step back. The pair of children whose tossing distance is the greatest, without dropping the balloon, is the winner
Balloon party game 2 - Have a Popping Balloon
Kids in pairs stand in a line, back to back. Each pair of children has a balloon held between their backs. On "go" they should try and pop the balloon using only their backs. First pair of kids whose balloon pops is the winner.
Balloon Game 3 - Catch the balloon
Kids stand in a circle all numbered from one onwards. The kid with the highest number goes in the center. He holds a balloon, shouts a number and throws the balloon up in the air. The kid whose number was called must catch the balloon before it touches the ground. He or she then repeats the process. Whoever fails to catch the balloon is out. Have a parent throw the balloon when only 2 kids are left.
Balloon game 4 - Water Balloon Relay
Divide kids into two teams. Provide each team with a number of water balloons. (At least one balloon per team member) The first one to go in each team must place a water balloon between its knees and hobble to the finish line, dropping the balloon in a bucket without using hands. He/she then runs back to the team, tags the next kid and the process is repeated. If the balloon is dropped the kid must grab it by hand, run back to the start and start all over. The winning team is the one who manages to get the most balloons in their bucket.
Making the most out of balloons can be a good idea if you have a tight budget and money is tight. Balloons are so versatile and there is endless amount of games and fun to have all that is required is your imagination!

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