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Emu Oil: Another Promising Alternative Pain Relief Rub

Millions of people throughout the world seek pain relief everyday from many various discomforts. But getting relief of aches and pains should not cause more discomfort. The only problem, is that most people seek prescription pharmaceutical medication, which can have bad side effects and can even cause allergies, not to mention it is damaging to our bodies.
If the person who is looking for muscle pain relief is worried about drug interactions, then they may want to consider using a non-drug therapy for muscle pain relief. Non-drug therapies generally rely on pressure and temperature to ease pain and help reduce swelling. Ace bandages and braces can be used to help support sore areas, and they can also be used to hold heat or cold packs in place. Heat and cold treatments can be used alone or in conjunction with other pain relief methods to help relax muscles, reduce pain, and increase circulation. Non-drug treatments for pain can be supplemented with a natural pain relief rub such as Emu Oil.
Australia's indigenous people have a close affiliation with their land and they used ingredients derived from flora and fauna for the treatment of ailments and injuries. The application of emu oil as a pain relief rub was first documented by G. Bennett in 1860, he said that Emu oil is “a topical embrocation for pain relief from sprains and bruises even in horses and cattle.” The Wiluna communities emu farm 1000 kilometers from Perth in Australia's rugged outback first produced, under Government supervision, emu products for traditional use. In the period 1984-87, the first pure emu oil was refined and marketed.
The history of the Australian Aborigine indicates their use of Emu Oil for over forty thousand years. They used Emu Oil to gain relief from minor aches and pains, to help heal wounds quicker, and protect their skin from the harsh elements of wind and sun. Aborigines in Wiluna and elsewhere reveal that methods of treatment included hanging an emu skin on a tree to collect the oil, and wrapping sufferers in a fresh killed skin. In both cases the catalyst of the suns' heat was used to liquefy the Emu fat and enhance its absorption qualities.
The Aborigines introduced Emu Oil to the first Europeans as a natural sun screen and skin moisturizer. The use of Emu Oil was among many natural remedies adopted by settlers from the original inhabitants of Australia.
As proven in many research studies, Emu oil naturally contains many beneficial qualities. Hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and containing natural antioxidants and skin softeners, Emu Oil continues to provide long-lasting benefits even after repeated washings. It can smooth and condition rough elbows, knees and heels. It can also soften and moisturize hands and cuticles. It has also been proven to reduce itching and flakiness of dry skin.
Emu Oil is also an effective anti-inflammatory. The potency of the anti-inflammatory effect from Emu Oil is similar to ibuprofen without the negative side-affects frequently common with traditional prescription or corticosteroid based anti-inflammatory medications. It is a natural emolient. Emu oil helps combat the effects of the aging process, Research has shown that emu oils can thicken the skin which reduces the appearance of aging.
Whether it's arthritis, muscle strain, or a minor injury, Emu oil has proven to be an effective alternative remedy. Research continues to study the many intriguing aspects of this oil and have concluded that its applications can be considered too numerous. But nonetheless, Emu oil is a very promising pain relief rub for millions of people.