Over the last 10 years, there was a dramatic increase in the number of women over age 35 requesting medical intervention for infertility. Approximately 20% of women in United States are having their first child after age 35. This is most likely due to a combination of older age at the time of first marriage and more significantly due to the delay of childbearing in marriage. Countless clinical trials have revealed that a woman's fertility declines significantly when she gets older, yet aging only minimally affects male fertility.
In addition, research supports that this decline in female fertility is more likely related to the aging egg and less likely due to an aging uterus. The healthiest and most fertile eggs are ovulated when a woman is in her teens through her late 20s, a woman's time of peak fertility. When a woman reaches her mid to late 30s, the remaining eggs have substantially less potential for fertilizing and establishing a healthy pregnancy. This is mostly due to chromosomal injuries that normally occur as eggs age within the ovaries.
The vast majority of eggs ovulated have a normal chromosomal composition on women less than 35 years of age. An increasing number of her eggs are likely to be genetically abnormal, aneuploid, as the woman progresses beyond 35 years old. This is a natural process of aging.
With even the most recent dramatic advances in infertility treatment, age related infertility remains as one of our most difficult challenges. Reproductive specialists have known for years that the pregnancy rate is inversely related to the female partner's age. Early explanations for this trend included decreased coital frequency, diminished desire for childbearing, decreased overall time to try for a pregnancy, and diminished ovarian reserve with advancing age. As women age, even while still regularly menstruating, there are subtle shifts in hormonal patterns that may make the endometrium less receptive, which will make them difficult to get pregnant.
Women who are delaying their plans of getting pregnant should somehow learn from past generations and apply the wisdom of their parents or older friends to be responsible, to savor life, and learn from life's hard lessons. Independent women should take charge and enjoy what they have right now. They must realize that their biological clock is ticking.