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How To Keep The Flames Burning In A Relationship

Creating Intimacy to Keep the Flame Burning
It is true that intimacy and relationship are two very different words. They have different meanings and present totally different concepts. The tie that binds them to each other, however, is the fact that a relationship needs intimacy to survive. Intimacy is the substance which enables the people involved in a relationship to enjoy each other all the more.
Intimacy is defined as the condition of being private or personal. This encompasses everything that involves close association or familiarity. Two people are intimate when they are able to share with each other the innermost and most essential parts of themselves without any kind of inhibition. It is only through creating intimacy that two people are able to know each other through and through.
The inability of people involved in relationships to create intimacy results to the creation of distance. This is the reason why creating intimacy is important even from the start. How to create intimacy is something that each and every person involved in a relationship should know how to do, for creating intimacy is the foundation that would forge the connection between two people n a relationship more strongly than ever.
Creating intimacy involves consistent attention for one another and the relationship itself. It also involves respect for each another and the relationship in particular. Regular, healthy verbal communication is always an important factor in establishing openness, and physical contact is as essential in creating intimacy and closeness as other factors.
Creating intimacy also involves regular expression of caring and tenderness so that each one in the relationship may know how important he or she is to the other. And because the expression of feelings is equally telling, it becomes one of the most important things that would create intimacy and bind people in a relationship together.
Because creating intimacy means creating familiarity and openness, it is a must for people involved in a relationship to become honest and straightforward with each other. Saying and doing what is truthful and honest for both of them would help a lot, and acceptance of each other’s personality and characteristics would foster an understanding between the two of them like no other.
To create intimacy, people in a relationship should also have an understanding of how their families of origin would affect the relationship itself. This is essential, too, in understanding the behavior of each other in connection with the atmosphere he or she grew up in. Then again, it is important for partners to take time to listen to what each other thinks and feels. Living in the present and envisioning a life together in the future would create chemistry that they could both use to become not as separate individuals but as a team ready to battle all odds together.
Lastly, it is always important for people concerned about creating intimacy to promote the personal growth of one another. It should always be remembered that those involved in relationships are there to complement each other in every way. The relationship is the medium which enables people to learn this simple truth. Creating intimacy means sharing one’s own person with his or her partner the best possible way.
People’s inability to create intimacy in any kind of relationship creates distance, the worm capable of eating the union slowly away. It is always important for those involved in relationships to try their best efforts to create intimacy, because it is what would keep the flame burning for quite a while.