Genital warts- what are they?
Genital warts are caused a group of virus called HPV. This HPV virus also causes the common arts found on other parts of our body. The difference is in the type. HPV are of more than hundred types. The virus that causes genital warts is different to the virus that causes other warts. Virus of the same family of HPV also causes cervical cancer in women.
Genital warts- how do they occur?
HPV virus is transmitted by sexual contact. It can spread both by vaginal and anal sex. After you catch the virus you may not develop any warts for months or years. You are a silent carrier yourself unaware that you have contacted HPV. When the warts appear they will appear singly or in a bunch. They look skin colored bumps and form cauliflower shape.
Genital warts in women-
In men the warts are seen but if they form in a woman's vagina, they will not be seen unless a doctor examines her. These warts spread very fast in the genitalia of women because the virus thrives in the moist warm surroundings.
To protect yourself from getting HPV, always use condoms and try to keep a monogamous relationship. Keep yourself safe at all the times. We will discuss the treatment of genital warts in next article.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.