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Menopause Symptoms Relief

Menopause is a natural condition and not an illness that occurs when the ovaries no longer produce enough estrogen to stimulate the lining of the uterus and vagina. Simply said menopause is when women no longer menstruate or get pregnant. It generally occurs to women somewhere between the ages of 40 and 60. One of the most famous signs of menopause is the hot flash, a sudden reddening of the face accompanied by a feeling of intense warmth. Other common symptoms include depression, fluid retention, insomnia, mood swings, nervousness, night sweats, painful intercourse, anxiety, urinary changes, thinning of vaginal tissues, vaginal dryness and weight gain. It should be noted that some women experience few symptoms while still others encounter none at all.
How Menozac Can Help: One natural remedy for menopause is Menozac, a botanical alternative medicine formulation which contains a blend of all natural herbal extracts developed to ease the transition and provide effective menopause symptoms relief. Leading herbal experts have recommended the Menozac’s ingredients as alternatives to HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). Recent study shows that herbs worked better than estrogen in eliminating the menopause symptoms and also helped to prevent cancer. It eliminates the health risks associated with the synthetic hormones. To learn more on Menozac visit

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