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Contact Lens Health And Safety -- The Importance Of The Annual Checkup

For many men and women -- and children -- around the world, contact lenses have proven to be a wonderful alternative to the wearing of eyeglasses. Contact lenses provide a convenient and easy way through which a person can enjoy good vision. With contact lenses, gone are the days of dealing with glasses. Many people have remarked that they actually feel a good deal better about themselves and their appearances when they are able to cast their glasses aside in favor of contact lenses.
While there are, indeed, many benefits to be realized from the wearing of contact lenses, a person needs to remember that using and wearing contact lenses is “serious business.” Using contact lenses is not something that a person should take lightly -- although many people do …
Unfortunately, many people are rather cavalier in the manner in which they approach the use and wearing of contact lenses. It is not uncommon for a person to obtain a prescription for contact lenses and not make a return visit to an eye doctor for an extended period of time. In fact, more often than not a person will obtain a prescription for contact lenses and not return to his or her eye doctor for years.
In reality, if a person wants to make certain that he or she maintains optimum eye health, it is important that a person have a regular eye examination undertaken by an eye doctor at least once a year. The need for a regular eye examination really does apply to every person -- whether they are contact lens wearers or not. The necessity of obtaining an annual eye examination increases significantly if a person is a contact lens wearer.
While many people fail to follow this directive, if a person is going to wear contact lenses, an annual eye examination is not optional -- it is a requirement. While more often than not a person’s experiences with contact lenses is positive, there can be serious eye health consequences to the wearing of contact lenses. Eye disease and damage can occur with very little warning and can have devastating and long term consequences. The early detection of damage or disease by a trained professional can and will work to ensure that a person does not have serious and permanent damage to his or her eyes.
Once again, if a person elects to wear and use contact lenses, regular eye evaluations and checkups needs to be a part of that person’s annual routine.

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