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Online dating success can be yours

Michael and Kristine, a successful couple who met online, enlighten us on how they meet, hooked up and are happily living a wonderful life together.
Michael and Kristine have been happily married for two years; they attribute their joy filled life to successful online dating. As luck would have it, Kristine's friend had recently met someone online and, after a couple of dates, couldn't stop talking about the new man in her life. At first, Kristine was hesitant, being unfamiliar with the online dating scene, but at the advice of her friend, she decided to try it out for fun. After a few weeks of testing out the waters, Kristine met Michael. The connection was too strong to deny—Kristine was smitten with Michael and vice versa. After six months of getting to know each other on an intimate basis, Michael proposed to Kristine on the most loved filled day of the year—Valentine's Day. Michael and Kristine share their experience and offer advice to new romance seekers.
Q: How long did it take before you two found each other? Were either of you dating around much?
Kristine: I didn't really think anything would come of this—I thought I was going to sign up and forget about it. Mikey was my first and only online date!
Michael: I've been on the online dating scene for a couple years now. I've had maybe around 5-6 dates before I met Kristine—nothing to write home about; they were all very generic and far from being terrific.
Q: What is a good way to establish a connection with someone online?
Kristine: Emails are a nice way to get a “feel” for the person, asking questions. It's basically the first step in the online communication process.
Michael: Between the two of use, Kristine and I swapped maybe 5-6 emails. When it felt like it was time to take that next step, we decided to meet in a public, friendly atmosphere. When I'm sure about something, I don't hesitate or play around. Just make sure that you're yourself and things usually fall into place.
Q: Who decided to make the first contact? What was it from their profile that sparked the attraction?
Kristine: I made the first move. We were only about ten miles apart. Mikey seemed like a really cool person, very down to earth. From his profile I could tell that he wasn't that typical jerk stereotype—he wasn't all full of himself. I was searching for authenticity, something real.
Q: How did your family and friends react when they discovered you met online?
Michael: Everybody was pretty cool about it. Online dating seems to be becoming very fashionable; everyone I know at least knows someone who met their significant other online.
Q: What advice would you give to someone who just can't seem to get any response from others online?
Michael: Maybe your profile needs a little tune-up. Let a trusted friend read it; perhaps they could offer suggestions. Remember that your profile and picture are the first things that people see.
Kristine: Patience is the key. It'll happen; you just need to give it time.
Q: How would you respond to this question: “Why do you think most women only post an image of their face? And when you request a full body photo, they get offending, claiming that you are “only into looks”? Why is it so hard?
Kristine: I guess, for women, it's harder for us to put our image out there. Maybe we're a little more bashful than guys. Personality is usually the more import aspect to us.
Michael: For a lot of men, looks are an extremely important factor, so I can understand why some men would pass up a woman's profile if it didn't contain a picture. Kristine's message to me was very cute, and I guess that is what first drew me to her. She stated that she was new to this online dating thing and that she was just looking for some nice people. She didn't even have a photo up at the time, but I remember at a certain point I had requested one, and she was happy to give it.
Q: Michael, how did you know that Kristine was that special someone?
Michael: When we first met, we really hit it off well. We had so many common interests—from music, politics, movies etc. I believe it was our similar interests that made us instantly click. I try to keep the drama in my life to an absolute minimum, and I could tell that she was the same way. My personal philosophy is that we each tend to make our own happiness as well as our miseries a reality—Kristine is the type of person who always chooses to look at the brighter side of life, just like me. My friends also took an instant liking to her.
Q: Did you continue to search online after meeting?
Kristine: Yes. Mikey was the first person I had really met, and I still had another couple weeks until my subscription ended.
Michael: I was subscribed to another dating service at the time, and I had another date scheduled, but I decided to cancel it and to take down my profile. I just felt like my long search had finally come to an end.
Q: Did marriage ever cross your minds during the early stages of the relationship?
Kristine: Yes, I was thinking about marriage.
Michael: I felt the same way too. When you feel a certain way, it's best to just go with the flow.
Q: What should you watch out for when it comes to online dating?
Kristine: I draw the line at questions that are too personal. Questions pertaining to what “I'm currently wearing” tend to be a major turn off when asked by a stranger.
Michael: Look out for people that are pretending to be someone they're not. I realize that this is next to impossible to detect right off the bat, but after a while, you'll soon sense it.
Q: For the first timers trying online dating, what advice could you give them?
Michael: You may be tempted to throw in the towel too quickly if things don't work out the first week. Be patient. Your day will come, and you'll be happy you stuck in there.
Kristine: Be honest right from the get-go. Don't play mind games; don't be somebody you're not.
Q: Now that you've crossed paths and have made that sacred vow to be together, how much has your life changed compared to when you first signed up?
Michael: I'm 100% happier. There's really no comparison—it was the best choice of my life.
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