Gross Archive

Review - Rainbow 6 Vegas

Let me start by saying it is not every day that a game comes along that after playing it a few times that you know in your heart this is the best game you have ever played. This was the case with me when I played Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas. It is the latest title in Ton Clancy’s long running series; however, the first I have ever played.
I didn’t have much of an idea what to expect when I first turned the game on. After a few hours of playing and gotten the hang of the cover system, It was easy to see this game was heads above any of the first person shooters I had played before this. It certainly is not a run and gun shooter like so many titles before it you were seemingly have super powers and can run into rooms full of enemies and face them head on. The way the game forces you to make tactile decisions to succeed. Trying to pull Rambo run-in tactics simply will not work in this game. It is also one of the first squad based shooter I ever played that were really forced you to use team work as opposed to your character walking through the board doing all the work while two computers players walked behind you occasionally picking off a enemy here or two.
The single player campaign mode is a real blast, well done and challenging for any gamer but Vegas really shines in online cooperative modes. You really get a feel for being on a special forces unit because it forces you to communicate with team members and have a plan to complete the missions. Based on your successes you rise in rank which is only applicable to the online play of the game. This also allows you to unlock different armor and weapons packages specifically for online play.
The graphics aren’t as polished as Gears Of War but overall I think this is a better game. I definitely give this 10 out of 10 and a must-own title for the Xbox 360.

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