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How To Learn Reiki And Become A Reiki Master

Reiki is a spiritual and physical healing practice that helps individuals overcome health issues and produce stress management in their lives. Reiki has been used for healing since the end of the last century, but is still growing in popularity today. Listed below are the steps to take if you desire to learn Reiki and become a Reiki Master.
There are three levels of Reiki that must be completed in order to become a Reiki Master. These are the First Degree level, the Second Degree level, and the Master/Teacher, or Third Degree, level. Each level is explained below.
First Degree Reiki
In the First Degree level of Reiki, you'll learn how Reiki works, Reiki's historical background, and the different types of Reiki systems that exist today. You'll also be initiated into Reiki and receive your first Reiki energy experience through Reiki Attunement.
Through Reiki Attunement, you'll learn first-hand how to tune in to Reiki energy and use it for stress management and physical and emotional healing. This initiation usually involves lying on your back or stomach while a Master or practitioner places his or her hands from your head to toes to approximate the traditional chakra locations. The energy flows through the Master's hands into your body.
Although much training is provided through home courses and online courses, you should receive your Reiki Attunement through a Master in person to fully understand Reiki. Once you've experienced Reiki for yourself, you'll start learning how to give others Reiki treatments.
Second Degree Reiki
In the Second Degree level of Reiki, you'll expand on your initial experiences. You'll learn about distance healing as well. Distance healing involves channeling Reiki energies to someone in another town or even another country! The energy vibration is different with this type of Reiki. It has a higher proportion of energy from the Source and a lower proportion of Chi than the First Degree level. Where the First Degree level promotes primarily physical healing, the Second Degree level promotes healing on a mental, spiritual and emotional level.
Master/Teacher Reiki or Third Degree Level
In the Master/Teacher, or Third Degree, level of Reiki, you'll learn how to use Reiki symbols and what they mean. You'll also learn how to use various methods of stress management such as healing drumming and crystal healing with crystals. You'll become familiar with sacred mantras and how the different energies work so you can teach others. You'll also be able to perform Reiki Attunements.
There are many workshops, online and off-line, to help you learn Reiki. There are also places you can go to have a wonderful Reiki experience, such as the Bell Rock Vortex in Sedona, Arizona. Wherever you go or whomever you choose to help you along the Reiki journey, make sure to open yourself fully to the Reiki energy so you can experience its true healing power.

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