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Love And Life Lessons

Recent events in my life have taught me that the best thing to do in any situation is just to love people. How can I be a better friend, a better Son, Brother or Sister,etc. So often we go through life and we don't really take the time to just simply love people.
For example I hop on a bus, I've got all this time to take interest in other people, en yet I just sit to myself, and pass the time, just wondering what others are up to. Most likely someone will come on, something about them will set an emotion off inside of me, and I will be quick to judge them. "What is that guy thinking dressing like that".
If you can relate to me in this way, I've realized that love is the answer. Love. What is love?
Love is patient, Love is kind, It does not envy, it does not boast, It is not proud, It is not rude, It is not self-seeking, It is not easily angered, It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. Love never fails.
Now if quoting Corinthians 13:4-8 Is going to do it for you… What really is love though and what does it look like?
Love is genuine: "Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them" - Romans 12:9. Love is taking a moment to talk to the person sitting next to you on the bus, taking an honest interest in their life? Love is offering your seat to someone who is standing? Love is saying a prayer for the people riding with you, asking God to bless them. Love doesn't mean holding hands and kissing the gentleman sitting next to you.
I've started to see in my life that as I open up to love people, it's amazing at how things have changed in my. I heard this story of a girl walking home from school, terribly depressed and down on life. Ready to commit suicide when she arrives home, as she has just had enough. A classmate who had never spoken to her, comes up and asks if he can carry her books, and walk with her. Coles notes version is that because of the Love expressed by that boy, she didn't commit suicide and found new meaning in her life. We think of saving lives as firefighters and police officers. What about that boy? Is he a lifesaver? He didn't boldy enter a burning building or stop a fire. He simply just took the time to love.
My first response was and the one that I hear from most people is: I'm too busy, or I love enough already. I'd say if you honestly answer those questions you'd have the same response as I have. I'm not too busy. I just manage my time badly. I'm riding the bus anyways. Why not love the guy sitting next to me. I love enough already. There is never a time or a place in your life that you will love enough.
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